Flexi solution help??


Full Member
It's my first time trying exante. I've done 1 week total solution and lost 9lbs!! I plan to do total solution for 1 more week and then switch to the flexi solution. The website says you can have 2 products, 1 of their snack products and a healthy meal consuming 1200 cals. I am wondering if there are any other snack I could have as the exante ones are expensive. Would it work if I had a couple of pieces of fruit instead? Also can I make my own healthy meal as long as stick to 600 cal? Or do I have to choose one of their meal recipes?
Hope someone can help me. Thanks in advance.
I'd say watch the snacks, especially fruit. The sugar (fructose) content could disrupt your ketosis (fat burning), and it can be hard to measure. Stick to Exante snacks for now would be my advice.

Making your own healthy meals? Sure, as long as you know what goes into it and how to make it come out at roughly the calorie content recommended, with a lower proportion of carbs to protein.

Good luck.