For those who have reached target?

May I ask anyone at target the following question:

Which is most difficult. Losing all the weight in the first place or keeping it off for 12 months?

For me, losing it was more difficult because I had such a lot to lose and it took a long time. There was always the nagging fear that I wouldn't make it.

Maintaining is easier psychologically for me because I have more food and I don't want to go back to being big.

I'm sure there will be times that it's more difficut than others but I know that I must keep positive about maintaining.

I think it's very easy to get to target and feel a bit lost because you've reached your goal. I worked very hard to change my mindset so that I didn't keep losing but actually succeeded at maintaining.

I also think that it's important to accept that maintaining doesn't mean that you are exactly the same weight every day/week but that there is an acceptable range of fluctuation - the 3lb either way that SW allow.

Im an unhappy Sw'er i think!
I have hit target...infact im 8lbs below target, but im still not happy lol!
I always look in the mirror and think i could be thinner...or LOOK thinner.
To me im still the chubby girl i was before, i dont notice i've lost weight until other people comment on it!

Kate x

You look fantastic.........really, honestly. I wish I could look like you. At 5.8" you must look so slender and elegant.

KT, please please dont go any lower. You are at the lower end of your BMI range, you look FANTASTIC, but I dont personally think you can afford to lose any more. If you genuinely look in the mirror and see a body that isnt INCREDIBLY slender - then I really think you need to seek some advice about that from your GP, because IT IS. There is nothing left of you to lose. Your head really really needs to catch up with your body.

I am with MLM on this one. You are so gorgeously slim ,yes I said SLIM !!!!!

For me, losing it was more difficult because I had such a lot to lose and it took a long time. There was always the nagging fear that I wouldn't make it.

Maintaining is easier psychologically for me because I have more food and I don't want to go back to being big.

I'm sure there will be times that it's more difficut than others but I know that I must keep positive about maintaining.

I think it's very easy to get to target and feel a bit lost because you've reached your goal. I worked very hard to change my mindset so that I didn't keep losing but actually succeeded at maintaining.

I also think that it's important to accept that maintaining doesn't mean that you are exactly the same weight every day/week but that there is an acceptable range of fluctuation - the 3lb either way that SW allow.

Eternity,I am full of admiration for your common sense attitude and approach to your weight loss and your maintenance.
Your will power and discipline are so commendable.
I am going to try and take a leaf out of your book because I too am so scared of being big again.
Being slimmer is soooooo good in every respect.
For me, losing it was more difficult because I had such a lot to lose and it took a long time. There was always the nagging fear that I wouldn't make it.

Maintaining is easier psychologically for me because I have more food and I don't want to go back to being big.

I'm sure there will be times that it's more difficut than others but I know that I must keep positive about maintaining.

I think it's very easy to get to target and feel a bit lost because you've reached your goal. I worked very hard to change my mindset so that I didn't keep losing but actually succeeded at maintaining.

I also think that it's important to accept that maintaining doesn't mean that you are exactly the same weight every day/week but that there is an acceptable range of fluctuation - the 3lb either way that SW allow.
You have done fantastic - take a bow!

A few people have said I'm an inspiration, but I think I've only done the easy bit. People like you are an inspiration to all of us.

Great thing about your loss is if you have a bad week, it can be corrected immediately. That's a priceless position to be in.

Well done:)

I agree with th emaintenance being the hard work, as my 2 stone on shows.

Last year I was soooo fosussed and so strict, it became a little like an obsession. Not a drop of fat passed my lips.

However once I'd hit target it was a little anti-climax. What do I do now? Going to class wasn't how much I'd lost that week, but had I managed NOT to put any weight on.

I'm joining a new class tomorrow and I WILL lost the 2 stone I've put on before it gets out of hand. I'm determined not to be a yoyo dieter, but we'll see. When I am back at target I may be strict all week and indulge a little at the weekend?