Friday weigh in anyone?

Lol Nic. It should be a new dress size in the shops Kylie,8,10,12...!
It should be a target weight at WW. "what is your goal weight?" "Oh I'm aiming to lose a Kylie for then I'll weigh.... two and a half Kylies".
Lol I know, my best mate loves Kylie and she was struggling on the cross trainer on Friday and to offer encouragement I said 'keep going mate, you're doing really well, by Christmas you'll be the size of Kylie' I think it was the wrong thing to say because she nearly fell off the cross trainer laughing lol x

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Trust me! I've had a few good days Friday, Saturday, Sunday I've stuck to my points, used most of my weekly's as it's the weekend. Went to the gym Friday night and Sunday afternoon.

Yesterday I was good all day then went to the pub to watch Newcastle v QPR, started off fine with just a couple of pints of lager, some friends met us and the next thing I'm waking up in bed.

No idea how much more I drank but there is a take away carton in the kitchen, I think I had a chicken kebab, after inspecting the remnants I think I just ate the chicken and not the garlic mayo or pitta bread.

I've now used all my weekly's and activity points which I normally save so off to the gym today, Wednesday and Thursday to try and pull back some points.

Oh well, I'll drawer a line under it and start again.


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Yes Nic. Sending by the horse for you to get back on. It's all you can do when things go a bit off piste. Loving the thought of a tipsy you carefully picking the chicken out your kebab. Now that's a real trick.Lol:D
Back on the wagon, expecting a STS this week though thanks to Mondays escapade!

I planned to do some shopping with my Mam yesterday and then head to the gym but I took bad in the town centre, my poor Mam had to get me home along with 6 bags of shopping and a plastic garden table (don't ask). We were just wandering around the shops and I suddenly felt really dizzy and light headed and I had a really bad pain in my head, managed to get on the bus and then thought I was going to be sick. My poor Mam got me back to her house and my boyfriend had to come and pick me up, it was weitd because I then took two painkillers and within 2 hours I was right as rain.

OH won't let me go to the gym today though, he is worried as it come on so fast. He said if I get through today ok I can go tomorrow LOL. Feel fine now though, not sure what it was.

Hope everyone is doing ok x
Glad you are feeling bette, Nic. Must have given everyone a shock!! The gym can wait a day or two until you are sure you are OK.

How are the rest of the Friday team getting on? Haven't heard much this week. I'm heading for my usual doldrum Thursday. Can feel weigh-in looming large. What can we do to solve Thursday night sleepless? Counting sheep just isn't doing it for me. I end up counting points!
I was wondering where everyone else was too, starting to think that apart from Thursday and Friday it's the Snowy and Galifreyan show lol.

I just don't sleep in general, no matter what night it is, apparently I have a very active mind lol. I don't like takin sleeping tablets so doctor suggested different things like a lavender bath and lavender drops on pillow, counting sheep etc.

Only prob with counting sheep is over active mind kicks in and I started to make my sheep walk backwards or do backflips to make it more interesting lol, this just made me more awake.

Only thing that works with me is counting backwards from a high number.

Also, for you Gill, you need to remember that you don't need to lie awake stressing and worrying, if you've had a good week it will show regardless of how much stressing and worrying you have done overnight x

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Good luck everyone for tomorrow.

Let me know if I need to do the rounds with the wagon, it's stopping at mine first and I'm defo going to have a good week this week, 100%.

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hello, morning, aloha,

3lbs this week. weird as ive been ill with cold and that normally makes me hold water and bile etc etcand havent done any form of ogranised exercise at all, so super pleased :)

I dint realise this was also a chatty thread, i will come chat some time
3lbs for me too this week. Haven't done anything different this week so can't say why but I'll just keep going.

Well done vickihorror that's really great. Hope you feel better this week.

Good luck to the rest of you Friday weigh-in folk.
Well done to you both on a 3lb loss, that's fab.

I've STS which I'm pleased with after Monday's little escapade and not been able to go to the gym cos I wasn't well.

Back on track today, about to do myself a nice little noodle stir fry for lunch x

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I still had my 2lb gain from my naughty weekend away :(

I have been to the gym though and earnt 7ap and then swimming for 1ap then for a week earning another 1ap.

I will be back in the 11's next week :)

You two ok? Was this the result you were expecting or have not both had good weeks? X

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I STS as well and all because I went out on Monday, can't remember half the night but found the remains of a chicken kebab on the kitchen bench the next morning. You live and learn lol.

Aiming for a perfect week this week, finger crossed x

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