Step 1 Sole Source Gained everything I had lost back in one day :(

I started SS last Monday, was doing fine although a bit hungry but weight was falling off, I lost 6lbs in 5 days, On the Saturday I got engaged(!)and couldn't NOT celebrate so we went for an italian and I had pasta and red wine and focaccia, and some wine and champagne later on...on the Sunday I wasn't as bad but went out for lunch again and had a chinese, and when I weighed on the Monday(expecting a 2-3lb gain)I had gained the whole 6lbs back. I know this is totally my fault and have no right to moan but I'm really surprised how quickly you can gain 6lbs! It's not like I gorged on rubbish all weekend, was it mainly water weight that I lost Mon-Fri then, and is that why I gained it back so quickly? I'm now worried that I'll lose the couple stones I want but as soon as I have a treat or a night out i'll pile lots back on...
I started SS last Monday, was doing fine although a bit hungry but weight was falling off, I lost 6lbs in 5 days, On the Saturday I got engaged(!)and couldn't NOT celebrate so we went for an italian and I had pasta and red wine and focaccia, and some wine and champagne later on...on the Sunday I wasn't as bad but went out for lunch again and had a chinese, and when I weighed on the Monday(expecting a 2-3lb gain)I had gained the whole 6lbs back. I know this is totally my fault and have no right to moan but I'm really surprised how quickly you can gain 6lbs! It's not like I gorged on rubbish all weekend, was it mainly water weight that I lost Mon-Fri then, and is that why I gained it back so quickly? I'm now worried that I'll lose the couple stones I want but as soon as I have a treat or a night out i'll pile lots back on...

Congratualations!!! Don't beat yourself up, if there ever was a time to go off plan, that's it! And yes, it's probably mostly water weight! I put 7lbs on when I had a holiday, I lost it again within 4 days of being back on SS! worry not! Same happened to me when I had a weekend off - only lost 0.5lb for the whole week, but it caught up with me the week after with a bigger loss :) you'll be fine!
yeah don't worry! it wont have all been fat, it will come off quick again and you may have delayed that 3 week blip I always have where it doesn't seem to budge! better to have lost some before your weekend.
Congratulations ! it should come off again almost as quickly, so don't beat yourself up - but as with any diet plan if you always do what you always do you will end up where you always were. It won't go back on overnight but it will go back on if you don't change. It might be useful to use your time of Cwp to plan how you are going to change your habits once you get to goal so you don't put it back on - I lost 8 stone and did what I always did and guess what....on it went again :-( - yes all but 2 lbs of it). I can't blame CWP for it - it was my eating that did it and it would have gone on no matter what diet I had lost the weight on (except I never stuck to any of the others for long enough to lose it in the first place!!).
Congrats dont beat urself up about it, just get back on track now is the best time because u have a goal ur wedding!!!!!:)

Bessie 8 stone is amazing, its just as easy to but it back on isnt it.

How r u finding cambridge.This is my 6 week, have lost 24lbs in total delighted.

Thats great losses Emz - its taken me a long long time and lots of restarts to get going again(and went back on far to easy - but i did binge and binge!) but 1 week done now and 14lbs off so on my way again ;-)
Thanks for the replies! Looking at some of your stats is getting me motivated, well done everybody :) Yes well I've been 100% on plan since Monday now and...lost 4lbs! So it must have been mostly water weight, learned my lesson and won't do it again until i'm at goal because it's not worth having to start-over every Monday haha! Think we're having wedding next year in Majorca, so I have a definite picture in my mind of what weight I want to be, hope everyone has a good week :)
You've also got to think about the weight of the food!! Every little adds up :). Hope you lose it all quickly.
Thanks Bessie! I'm delighted so far have been 100% from the start! Come to a point where enough is enough an u want to do it! I'm the type of person that wants to run before try can walk I just want it off the weight NOW lol just like everyone!

Oh a wedding in Majorca sounds lovely keep that picture in ur head u will achieve it! I no this isn't the same but I picture the first holiday wearing a actual bikini and not being conscious!!!

Thanks for the replies! Looking at some of your stats is getting me motivated, well done everybody :) Yes well I've been 100% on plan since Monday now and...lost 4lbs! So it must have been mostly water weight, learned my lesson and won't do it again until i'm at goal because it's not worth having to start-over every Monday haha! Think we're having wedding next year in Majorca, so I have a definite picture in my mind of what weight I want to be, hope everyone has a good week :)

Well first of all, congrats! And a wedding in Majorca: brilliant idea!!! :D

Last time I did the diet, I could easily put on 4lbs back on after only ONE meal, but I would lose them within 2-3 days just as easily. And I have lost quite a lot since my heaviest. It's the going from nothing to rich food that does this. Don't worry, it happens to everyone. And you HAD to celebrate getting engaged and you now have an additional reason to slim down and remain slim :)