

Full Member
Hi guys, read somewhere on here that gallstones can manifest as a result of LT. Just wondering how many of you out there have had these develop? x
Hi Keilaani,

I'm going in for my gall bladder to be whipped out tomorrow as it happens. This is my first time on LT, I'm only 10 days in, so it definitely isn't the cause of mine! Any diet where you lose weight at more than 1lb a week can increase the likelihood of you developing gall stones according to my surgeon. This is the reason why women are so much more prone to them than men, given that most of us diet on and off all the way through our adult lives. Given the choice of dieting and being happy with the results or spending the rest of my life overweight and miserable, I think it's worth the risk.

However, gallstones suck big time! The pain is akin to that of a heart attack by all accounts (never had one of those thankfully!) and a few friends of mine have also said they'd prefer to go through labour again than have their stones flare up. I'm terrified of the op tomorrow, but cannot wait to be free of this right royal pain in the gut. BUT, knowing what I do now, I would still do LT if I had my chance again and risk the stones and all that comes with them. It's not just dieters who get them anyway, so don't let that be a barrier to you giving LT a go? I'll report back early next week on how it is post op :D
Thank you hun. I'm sure everything will be fine with your op and then you'll be free of them for good :). I know that not everyone who diets or does LT gets them and it certainly wouldn't stop me getting this blasted weight off for good. Given the choice, I'd choose to have my body back xx
I think thats why you have to do 1 week off every 12 weeks to keep all your organs functioning x
I think thats what the dvd said!
Jiggerz said:
Hi Keilaani,

I'm going in for my gall bladder to be whipped out tomorrow as it happens. This is my first time on LT, I'm only 10 days in, so it definitely isn't the cause of mine! Any diet where you lose weight at more than 1lb a week can increase the likelihood of you developing gall stones according to my surgeon. This is the reason why women are so much more prone to them than men, given that most of us diet on and off all the way through our adult lives. Given the choice of dieting and being happy with the results or spending the rest of my life overweight and miserable, I think it's worth the risk.

However, gallstones suck big time! The pain is akin to that of a heart attack by all accounts (never had one of those thankfully!) and a few friends of mine have also said they'd prefer to go through labour again than have their stones flare up. I'm terrified of the op tomorrow, but cannot wait to be free of this right royal pain in the gut. BUT, knowing what I do now, I would still do LT if I had my chance again and risk the stones and all that comes with them. It's not just dieters who get them anyway, so don't let that be a barrier to you giving LT a go? I'll report back early next week on how it is post op :D

Hi jiggerz, hope ur feeling OK and the open went well xxx
Hi ladies,

I'm home! They actually let me come home last night, it was so lovely to sleep in my own bed. Apart from a very tender belly and a really sore belly button I feel much better than I thought I would. They made me eat loads before they'd let me go though, so I'm a bit gutted, but I'm back on LT today so hopefully there won't be too much damage on the scales on Weds.

How's all of you? Having a nice long weekend?
