good feeling


Full Member
I woke up feeling good knowing I completed my first day successfully. Under no illusion it will be easier today...ohno , but day at a time. Going to the shop to get me some peppermint tea.

Well done, day one complete is a great milestone! Next few days will be tough but you'll get through them no problem and hit ketosis soon! It's a bit easier then :-D. Peppermint tea is great, I feel like its a treat almost.... My how things have changed in13 days!!!
Think I will invest in some peppermint tea today it is really nice and benefitial for the gut too and once chilled can be used to make the shakes with
Well done on your day one - first hurdle over. And it will get easier and you will feel amazing soon. Good luck with it! xxx
Hi Loopy, well done on getting past day 1. :) Hopefully you wont but if you start to feel a bit like you are getting flu on day 2/4 dont panic its normal for some people and its usually passes by day 5ish? Then you will feel great. Some people get no ill- effects in their first week also so fingers crossed for you :)