Good motto to sum up what we need to do!


Gold Member
Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive because your words become your behaviors. Keep your behaviors positive because your behaviors become your habits. Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny - Ghandi

I'm putting this on my fridge!!
you never cease to amaze me...
you are a true inspiration.... i need help this week... i need to get back on track...
aw Kes thank you :D

I don't know why all of a sudden I am able to do this. I was talking to my therapist yesterday about it and he said it's because I am no longer in delusion. He said we all tell ourselves stories to explain/justify our actions to ourselves e.g. if having lunch at my sister's i'd be enjoying it and having apple pie but (without realising) I'd be telling myself that the apple pie wasn't really satisfying my sweet tooth and that i'd just have one small bar of chocolate on the way home. Once I had "allowed" myself one bar a full on binge always followed. Underneath the delusion I realised I wanted to sooth myself because I felt/feel lonely leaving there family environment and going back to my dark house. He said that becoming more aware of my behaviour meant the "delusion" stopped working for me giving me a window of opportunity .. which I have taken as CD. I've also had a couple of reality checks that also broke down the delusion... I couldnt fit in a theatre seat at a comedy show and I couldn't take my nephew to the local "Gravity" centre as I am above the weight limit. I realised I want to be the aunt that does fun active stuff with my nephew; he loves it when we go to the woods and he can bring his bike etc but my weight has gotten in the way of that.

Becoming aware of the beliefs that underpinned my actions seems to have shifted my focus. For the first time in months/years I feel calm and in control.. i've stopped creating chaos in my life. It's painful having that honest conversation with yourself cos it means taking full accountability for your actions and the "uncomfortable" can ironically feel quite comfortable. But i'd recommend it because I suddenly feel so free :)

Gg xx
Goreygirl, good motto & very good post by you. :)
Oh, how true. I love it. Thanks for that. :D