Got to stop messing around

hi marv you feeling any better today hun x x x
Hope you are feeling better hun, well done on your weightloss hun xxx
hi marv you feeling any better today hun x x x

Hi chezz ,
I've stopped shivering and the aching isn't as bad , my throat is still sore but not the unbearable pain that it had been , thank god, I've still no voice , but hopefully it will come back soon x
Love all your SW badges :)

Glad to hear you might be through the worst if it, Yvonne. Sounds like a nasty virus. Look after yourself, chick x
hi marv
hope its back fr you lovely you been through the wars x x
Glad to hear you might be through the worst if it, Yvonne. Sounds like a nasty virus. Look after yourself, chick x

Hi Essie
Yea it certainly seems to be easing , it was awful I've never had pain in my throat and chest like it ,
Just wish my voice would come back
Got to make appointment for my blood tests to be re done ,
Also my appointment came today for my knee operation it's on 17 April ,
Oh so pleased you're coming through the virus - and your voice will come back soon enough, just no shouting at the tellie until it does :)

And I'll have all fingers crossed for you on the 17th xxx
will be thinking of you on the 17th love x x x x x
Someone's really out to get me this week , totm has arrived last night and now I've the cramps to put up with x
hi marv
blomming heck love its all coming at once you poor love (((())) hugs x x x