Green tea for weight loss?



Can anyone tell me if green tea is meant to have weight loss properties in it? Like does it help you to loose weight

Thank you!
No and yes. No it hasn't nothing in it to help you but yes if it's all you drink as it is low in calories and is really only flavoured water.
Ive heard that it can make a difference when it comes to weight loss. I wish that I liked it though.
It can help to detox you and can cause you to pee in that way it helps.
I have been having green tea for years now and it hasn't really helped me personally with weight loss. Basically, if you eat junk, don't workout and start having green tea, you won't see much of a difference.
Green tea is a thermogenic which means it raises your internal core body temperature which in turn raises your metabolism meaning you'll be burning more calories. Best way to take it for weight loss is in capsule form twice a day, midmorning and mid-afternoon. However if you have trouble sleeping make sure you don't take the second tablet too late in the day.
No no no lol
I’ve been drinking it 10 years as I can’t take ordinary tea or coffee and I’ve been fat and slim down to eating low and moving more