Had a row with a friend over the diet


Full Member
Feel bad today but know I shouldn't. My skinny friend asked If I was going out last night my reply was no then came the discussion of we love you the way you are then the raised voices. Naturally slim people don't understand how it is that when you have fought against weight issues all your life how hard it is to loose weight. I have no self esteem or confidence at the moment but feel that it is rising everyday I am on this diet and all I want to do is be left alone and get on with it and constantly been asked to do things I know I won't feel happy about isn't helping. Fed up with having to explain myself to people about how i'm dieting. Leave me do it my way and get on with it then some time soon all my friends will see the old confident Louise again.
Oh louty24 that's horrid! Your friends should be supporting you at a time like this! I went to a party yesterday and honestly the amount of times people were trying to feed me and say oh you don't need to lose weight! I thought if only you could spend a day my size you'd soon be trying anything and everything to shift the pounds!

My CDC warned me that when you start to change, have the real you come out/ back that there will be two types of people those who are happy for you and those who wont be and want to sabotage you! As some people will want you to stay the way you are, keep you the fat one as it makes them look/feel good!as your light starts to shine brighter it will dim those around you and maybe they're scared that their light will dimmer

It the end of the day you have to do you! Do what you need to do to get to who you want to be! No one but you knows how it feels to be you and if you're unhappy it's your right to change it regardless of what anyone thinks! You do what's right for you, ask your friends why they're so against you going on the diet! You have every right to do what's right for you! Don't listen to them hunny! Xx
I went through the exact same thing with my friends even got called boring!! It used to really upset but just like its said in the above post a real friend would be supporting you i think its just like they always think of you as being the fat friend and cant understand how much confidence you actually lack. End of the day you are doing this for YOU and harsh as it may sound you must put yourself first sometimes and this is one of those times =) Hang in there x
Same old story. Others always seem to thrive in sabotaging our diet. It's do annoying. Know how u feel. X
Agree with all the replies. A lot of people secretly want fat friends to stay that way - gives them comfort and a sense of superiority. I had a similar problem over a friend's birthday but she then phoned and gave a sincere apology which may me feel guilty for thinking I'll of her! I just want to ask people whether they would rather I stayed obese and had a heart attack at 50! That would shut them up!
I agree with u all I don't wanna be a fat friend no more I wanna be a fat free friend :) and I will be that thanks to this diet and ne of my friends who can't handle it well tuff on them they obviously weren't my friend in the first place if they can't handle what makes me happy
I am sorry but a true friend would know how you really feel about yourself, and be supportive of your decision whether or not they agree with it. They are just thinking of themselves, and like everyone else has said you will soon realise who are your true friends.

This diet is bloody hard and it does make you feel like a bit of a recluse, its easier to shut yourself away rather then go out and have to explain to everyone why your not eating/drinking. I have a good friend who thinks this diet is dangerous and not good for me and I think she is generally concerned for me, BUT she knows I want to do it and is being supportive.

Chin up and think how good it will feel when your back to being confident in your own skin!!
Louise i can TOTALLY relate to this!
I started this diet 13 weeks ago weighing 20 stone 8lb, my bestest friend in the world is 16 stone (17 now as shes pregnant) we always wore the same clothes despite me being bigger, so a part of me thought maybe she would kinda understand once i started this diet, thought maybe she'd be supportive.. but maybe its jealousy or the fact shes now getting bigger and i'm getting smaller.. she's been a complete ***** this entire journey so far. Whenever we have gone out, its had to be food related which i find very insestive as she knows i don't eat, yet she's happy to sit and eat herself into tomorrow right infront of my eyes. When i tell her how im doing each week, she couldn't care less. So a little bit like you, i've stopped trying to comunicate with her.. not forever, but for now. I live with my partner, which also isn't easy as she eats sooooooo much greasy food, but on the plus side she's supportive and encourages me to keep going every day. I feel like i want to keep myself to myself until i reach my goal, i want to do it on my own, no help from anyone else, if they're supportive then great.. but if they have anything negative to say, i don't want to hear it! x
My thanks for all your kinds words especially you Shazzy_shaz never a true word spoken, All you guys and your losses fill me with pride and determination. I will be thin and happy !!
Awww you're welcone, everyone's here for you day or night! And dont you worry we'll all be thin and happy soon! Xx
As much as I love my best friend...she and her family spent yesterday with us - we baked all day, I made amazing pizzas (at least they were all devoured and everyone said they were amazing - I have to take their word for it... But she spent all afternoon trying to get me to taste the cake she'd made. I'm glad to say I resisted but it is hard. I think the money side of this diet really makes me want it to work now... I can't really afford it this time around which makes me not want to sabotage it!
As much as I love my best friend...she and her family spent yesterday with us - we baked all day, I made amazing pizzas (at least they were all devoured and everyone said they were amazing - I have to take their word for it... But she spent all afternoon trying to get me to taste the cake she'd made. I'm glad to say I resisted but it is hard. I think the money side of this diet really makes me want it to work now... I can't really afford it this time around which makes me not want to sabotage it!

That sounds like something my best friend would do! Trying to get me to taste things.. its just so insensitive!
whenever i start my diet i suddenly start get family dinner invites, from mom, sisters, even SIL, then when i refuse im boring and mean not wanting to spend time with family . but we have to stick to it and being mean for my own happiness doesnt seem that harsh.
So I met my friends for lunch yesterday, they all ate a massive carvery and i sat reading the menu with no thought or wish to eat anything from it. I am so dertermined to do it this time. My friend who I'd had the row with made no mention of our arguement or any mention of my diet until she dropped me off home and told my other friend that she can't beleive I sat there and didn't eat. Ah well needs must. Must admit the only thing I did miss was a pint of strongbow cider. lol. Makes me think that I'm more of an alcoholic than a foodie.
Well done you for not eating, I started this with my sister who straight away said not to tell anyone as they will constantly offer you food and make you feel guilty for not accepting. Just remember why you are doing it and keep being strong xxx
Well done Louty!! I knew you'd be able to so it and you know you have the strength to do it to! You can do it..., you are doing it!!! It's incredible the fuss and disapproval that comes out when people know you're on CD and how they try to sabotage you! Are we not allowed to be thin and happy?? I think it says more about them than it does us, my mum just shakes her head and says that there's no way she'd be ever be
able to do this diet... And that could be half the problem also, that they're jealous of your self control and determination! While they're stuffing themselves with carbs and god knows what else you've got the control and willpower to say no!! You're doing great and you should be proud of yourself and what you've achieved!!!