Hannah's tri-ing to be better!

Adam .... Oops!!! I meant SAM!!!!

Still not losing weight but I'm getting fitter & faster so that's something...! I went to Boots & jumped on their machine today - 36% body fat :( :( ouch! Good to know, onwards & downwards...
Totally off plan, trying to get back to it but my Mums recent diagnosis of cancer really isn't helping. It's awful because she's fading away & I'm just getting fatter, it's like I'm rubbing her nose in it... Still chemo started this week so we're hopeful because what else can you be..?
Totally off plan, trying to get back to it but my Mums recent diagnosis of cancer really isn't helping. It's awful because she's fading away & I'm just getting fatter, it's like I'm rubbing her nose in it... Still chemo started this week so we're hopeful because what else can you be..?

Oh no hun, so sorry to hear this news! How did your mum get on with the chemo?

I'm sorry I've not been around as much and have only just seen your post. Here if you need a chat and hope you ok xx