Step 1 Sole Source + Happy happy! First weigh in!

Hi Toni how did weigh in go. I've just had a weekend away and put 5 lb back on so I'm back on today gonna be like my first week all over again lol x
Hi Gemma, I lost 1/2 pound but couldn't really complain with what I eat ... But been back on it 100 % since tues last week and really feeling the difference. Feeling really motivated at the moment x
Hi Toni. I have to admit although I've stuck to it since Monday. I've really struggled and at certain points during the day I have felt quite ill. Specifically absolutely no energy and feeling sick. How you feeling x

Hope you have had a better day today, I've done day 9 and feel great for it I don't feel hungry and can feel the pounds falling off I've manage the last to days to cut out a shake as well so I'm doing 2 shakes and 1 meal instead of 3 shakes and a meal . You need to move about slower until your body adjust to the vlcd and drink lots of water. Keep up the good work it will be work it x