Has anyone applied for the Slimming World Magazine?!


Full Member

Has anyone applied to be in the Slimming World Magazine?!
I am currently filling in the form on the 'lifeline online' website, and its got 29 questions! and taking me forever. Started months ago lol.

Milliebeth youve done so well! I wish I could see your before and after photos better/larger, you look amazing!

Well done :)
Ummm well... If u have an iPhone and the minimins app, when you are writing a post there is a + next to send. Click on that and you can upload pictures from your photos on your iPhone.

If not, you need to upload any pics you want to something like photo bucket or image shack and it will give you a link to paste into your post which shows up as your picture (I don't know how, magic perhaps?)

Hope that makes some form of sense?
I've applied and got an email back basically saying thanks but no thanks. Good luck!

I applied and didn't even get that, how long did it take them to get back to you?
It took a couple of days. Maybe email to check they definitely received it?

Yeah might be worth it, was ages ago I sent it and didn't get any confirmation or anything
Real life slimmers are the best part of the mag. Good luck!
Sine losing weight, have any of you over come any differculties in day to day life?! x