Has anyone NOT lost weight on Lipotrim?

"This way, it's clinical but fast and effective."

That's it in a nutshell "clinical" is an excellent description.

I too was a bit cynical, even after the 7lbs 1st week loss. Knowing that wk1 isn't really representative I want(ed) to reserve judgement for a few weeks ...... I did 3.8lbs wk2 and I think I'm heading for a similar amount this week ......
It's been said about taking food out of the equation being the key - it definitely is for me too. I haven't suffered with constipation (- actually I haven't suffered with ANYTHING not even hunger in the first few days as you're supposed to). There are various remedies if you do experience it. If you think it may be an issue it might be an idea to mention it to the pharmacist, they will be able to help.

Good Luck with whatever you decide. :):)
Irish Mum - if your physicians are stumped for answers to you lack of weight loss, I doubt we can. Of course we can assume and make suggestions, but really you should go with the professionals' opinions and guidance as they have done all the necessary tests and consultations.

To avoid constipation make sure you are um, how shall I put it, clear in the run up to starting, making sure you eat lots of fibre-rich vegetables and wholemeal bread, porridge etc., so whatever is in there doesn't compact. Water drinking will help, and some people say hot water first thing in the morning helps. Ask the pharmacist for Fibreclear which is what Lipotrim recommends.
Irish Mum - if your physicians are stumped for answers to you lack of weight loss, I doubt we can. Of course we can assume and make suggestions, but really you should go with the professionals' opinions and guidance as they have done all the necessary tests and consultations.
Oh, I wasn't looking for 'answers' as such- just voicing my frustration at the 'experts' lack of help! They make me feel like a lost cause!:cry: If I keep following their advice as I have been for months, I'll stay the same forever!
To avoid constipation make sure you are um, how shall I put it, clear in the run up to starting, making sure you eat lots of fibre-rich vegetables and wholemeal bread, porridge etc., so whatever is in there doesn't compact. Water drinking will help, and some people say hot water first thing in the morning helps. Ask the pharmacist for Fibreclear which is what Lipotrim recommends.
Thats brilliant advice! Do you recommend eating less food in general in the few days before starting? Would it make the transition easier do you think? I've seen the fibreclear beside the maintenence meals in the pharmacy so will ask about it.
I have the DVD, and even before seeing it I think I'll give it a go- what have I got to lose!
I need to double-check with the pharmacy to make sure my thyroid meds aren't going to be an issue- but I've read others on here with hyothyroidism so I guess it shouldn't be a problem?
I have a wedding in six weeks and I don't know whether to start now or wait until after that? I have another wedding 10wks after that? (both family weddings so not eating/drinking isn't an option?):confused:
Oh, I wasn't looking for 'answers' as such- just voicing my frustration at the 'experts' lack of help! They make me feel like a lost cause!:cry: If I keep following their advice as I have been for months, I'll stay the same forever!

Thats brilliant advice! Do you recommend eating less food in general in the few days before starting? Would it make the transition easier do you think? I've seen the fibreclear beside the maintenence meals in the pharmacy so will ask about it.
I have the DVD, and even before seeing it I think I'll give it a go- what have I got to lose!
I need to double-check with the pharmacy to make sure my thyroid meds aren't going to be an issue- but I've read others on here with hyothyroidism so I guess it shouldn't be a problem?
I have a wedding in six weeks and I don't know whether to start now or wait until after that? I have another wedding 10wks after that? (both family weddings so not eating/drinking isn't an option?):confused:

Hi again! I don't recommend eating less food, but I do recommend eating healthy food. Perhaps try to get into ketosis by food, rather than going 'cold turkey' with a usual carb intake one day and starting Lipotrim the next. If you reduce your carbs in the few days run up to starting LT, when you do start you may be in ketosis, so you probably won't get hunger pangs that others experience. I would say take a vitamin and mineral pill for the few days running up to starting Lipotrim and gradually cut down on bread, pots, rice, pasta and also fruit. So for instance the day before you start LT you should be eating protein and microwaved or steamed fibre-rich veg. And on that day before, no fruit. Get your carbs from the protein and from vegetables, and make sure you don't go below 30g carbs the days before Lipotrim but not above 60g carbs. However it can be easier said than done as a lot of people want to have a 'last supper' etc., but doing it the way I have posted certainly eases you in gently.
By the way, when I say a few days, I mean about three days or so.
What have you decided to do then?

any closer to a descision?

Pam- cutting the carbs won't be a problem- most/all of mine come from veg? I only eat bread for lunch and potatoes with dinner maybe 4 times a week, and rarely have rice/pasta. Since starting to eat healthy I've gone off takeaways- they seem so greasy now? My 'last supper' would be grilled salmon and fresh mixed vegs in a low-fat cheese sauce! How sad is that!
Lauren- Yep- I think I'm going to give it a go, once I get the go-ahead from the pharmacist (re my thyroid medication?). My dilemma is when to start?! LOL! As I said- I have a wedding in 6wks, then another 10wks after that. I'd have to stop, re-feed & re-start if I started now, or I could wait and do it for 9wks, re-feed and re-start? All I've read have said how hard it is to re-start so I don't know whether to do it- I keep thinking I could have 1 stone off for the first wedding if I started now? What does anyone think?
Just do it hun, no time like the presant! and re-feed like me :D

its my 21st in 2 weeks, an peters in 1 week. then 2 more weeks til Barcelina.. then abck on til the finish!

may aswell get on it an get on with it lol

Do you think it'll be okay to 'only' be on it for 5wks before re-feeding? And would I need to re-feed for a whole week to come off it for one day? Sorry if they're stupid questions?...
You could always ask for you soup to be made up in a massive bowl on the day of the occasions, at least then you'll be eating with the rest of the reception. I have done that before and trust me I'm sure once you've seen what great losses you'll have (despite your recent struggles with losing) you wont find this a problem!
I have to mention I was also cynical about this diet as I have a tendancy to put on weight just by looking at food and really struggle to lose it! (I put this down to having my gallbladder removed a few years ago, the surgeon said this would possibly happen!) But just look at my losses! I'm a very Happy Bunny and it has given me a new hobby; - baking, believe it or not!! (see obsessed with food thread further down the page!) Good Luck with your LT journey! x
Not eating & drinking at these particular occasions isn't an option really? They're both family weddings and as is the Irish way, food & drink will be heavily involved! LOL! I can manage the eating part- by avoiding the starter & dessert- it's the alcohol I was concerned about- especially after the warnings on here? I don't go out that often so look forward to the odd occasion I can let my hair down a bit?
haha yes I definately know that 'Irish way' and it's great!! (my mums side of the family are all in NI (Antrim/Derry) and I LOVE going over there, (nothing to do with the traybakes with every cup of tea, Morrelli's icecream, garlic mayo on chips (sorry to mention) etc etc that we don't get over here, I'm getting very nostalgic here (sniff)!!)
I'll let someone else answer your refeeding question then, having not been there yet I don't feel I know enough to answer yet ! x
Hi there, I ve been on the LT for just over 3 weeks, I ve lost 13lb so far, that loss is bad compared to some people on the diet but I am pleased with it because I find it very hard to loose weight (I have a underactive thyriod)
This diet is good as you all seem to say because you dont have to think about food, I only cheat when I do diets but on this I justwont touch any food!!!
Good luck!!x
HI irishmum,

i am only on week 1 so can't offer loads of advice. What i want to say is just from my personal experience so may not apply to you... There will always be something (a wedding, a big night out, a relationship break up, a relationship starting!) which could be a block to me starting a weight loss programme. So i just thought, this time, I'd bite the bullet and do it. Yes those times will be hard but personally i've had half a lifetime of feeling crap about my weight and my size - so if i have to go without food and alcohol on those occasions for the next x months then sod it, i will!!

Maybe easy to say on week 1, i know, but i don't know if that might help.

Week 1 progress: no hunger pangs, no headaches, loads of water and loads of motivation.

I'd be amazed if anyone didn't lose in the early weeks of this diet! If it's done properly, it is impossible not to lose weight. The body needs a certain amount of calories to maintain the weight. The heavier the higher the amount of calories. -And even if you were completely stationary the whole week you'd still lose on this.

I'm like yourself, I've tried everything to no real success-I have never had a bad weigh in when I've flollowed the rules precisely -and sometimes even when I haven't! ;) ;)
Hey, Ive just finished my first week of LT and I've only lost 2lbs🥺 is this supposed to happen why am I not losing weight