Has something changed?


Full Member

Has there been a change to LT? I thought it was shakes,soup,flapcrap & water??

Where does the coke zero come into this, seen it mentioned on a few threads now as if its a treat!!

Just asking.......
its not on the menu but one of the monirators did say that it doesnt contain citric acid like pepsi max. i only have a glass when im at my witts end and climbing the walls for something, as far as im aware it doesnt effect your weight loss. you can have it similar VLCD, plus ive used breath freshners since i started and that hasnt made any difference apart from make me more confident when talking to people.
Dont go getting me into trouble ;)

Just to clarify on another thread someone asked why Pepsi Max & Coke Zero were allowed on Cambridge, I said they werent allowed but some people chose to drink coke zero but not Pepsi Max as it has citric acid

Id absolutely NEVER recommend anyone has anything on LT thats not officially sanctioned by LT and fizzy drinks are definitely not LT approved.
Hi there,
The way I see it is that if you really, really need something, rather to have something which will not put you back in your journey.
LT SHOULD be 100% provided by the chemist with black tea, black coffee, and plain still or sparkling water.
If you CHOOSE to add any thing else to that list, that is your choice.
It is nice to know that there are some things out there for when it gets really tough but it is best to stay 100% or even treat the odd coke zero as a 'cheat' and try to avoid any other products.
I have had the occasional coke zero to boost my energy as this is so hard for me to do with very little sleep ( due to a teething baby, he got 4 teeth through in January alone so I'm not sleeping much at all) but I do not look upon it as an 'allowed' item but instead treat it as a slight 'slip up' and try to get back to 100% asap after.
Do what is best for you but try to remember the whole plan was not devised with coke zero in mind.
x x x
I can appreciate this diet is extremely difficult and not everyone succeeds, but the whole point is T F R, I agree if you want to add a non citric acid treat to your day then it's up to you, some people find it hard to stick to this and one * blip* could lead to something else, also not a good thing to introduce to a newbie on LT.