Healthy Eating v's Low Carb


Dave's little girl
What would be the best method to loose weight effectively? I have 3-4 stones to shed.

I want a method that will have long lasting effects.
Ive heard low carb can make you feel abit lousy,

Imo the best option is, a low fat 2000 calarie diet, ive managed to lose over 3 stone by doing this and its easy as you can still have treats, also daily excersize is essential
Slimming World - you can lose weight, keep it off and most of all - EAT!
Low-carb would quite possibly be quicker but healthy eating is more sustainable and helps you adjust to eating 'normally' as you would once you reach goal.
Hi there - everyone finds that different diets work for them. If you have any issues with sugar swings or think you might be addicted to carbs then a low carb way of eating can be transformational. There are lots of different versions so you can read up on the various boards. The key is to find something that suits your lifestyle and you WANT to stick to - good luck whatever you choose

Ps i would call low carb healthy eating - i've never eaten so my veg in my life :D