Heather's Healthy Eating

That's the one! Maybe I need a brain function test!

How did u get on honey? Xxx
sorry laptop charger broke and couldnt get online
i went to the docs yesterday
got me some penicillin
and some sickness tablets but she said not to take them til after ive got my bloods and test done on monday
she said she was going to check for most of those things as far as i remember

feeling awfull today
had a job interview too
full time job though
itll be good for when me and my bf move in together
i did wear some trousers that i havent worn in a few weeks and they are baggyy around the bum and thighs i was well chuffed
You feeling any better?

Any news on the job?
im still the same :(
still feel awful
totes sick of being sick

throats still sore and a lovely cough has added itself to my list of ailments

doctors tomorrow so have to fast from 10 tonight until tomorrow morning
which is gunna be hard because ive been eating brekkie to try and give my self some energy and try and not feel so sick but knowing my luck i'll faint or something

hoping to hear back tomorrow about the job maybe but thats just wish ful thinking
she said she wanted to give me enough time to give notice in my work but my work dont really care as im just a number to them lol and they are training loadsa new ppl atm too

hows you ?
ahhh that sucks man!

def sounds like GF :( I had loads of fluid on my lungs when I had it cos Im asthmatic and the cough was the thing that lasted ages :( oh and the joy of fasting blood tests, I know that pain!

Well good luck, I hope you get it :D

Im alright, just all kinds of stressed lol nothing new!
Oh babe! Feel better! Keep warm and lots of fluids! ESP with a cough xx
my mum keeps shoving fluids down my throat ( sounded better in my head )

im drinking peppermint tea etc
but today in work it was like the more i talked the more i coughed and working in a call centre i cant not talk lmao

really not looking forward to these blood tests though
9 oclock in the morning ughhhhhh
plus i get low blood sugar plus the sickness = ima faint or boke all over my doctor lmao
Try some lemon and ginger babe, it will help with the fever! Even if u make it with fresh lemon and stem ginger.... It's much nicer then a tea bag!! X
ooo that does sound nice, bitta honey too would be awesome

so went and got my test thing done
it tasted like rotten eggs soo gross and almost through up on the woman lmao
she was mean

get the results in like a week and then had a blood test too and get those in a few days

feeling bit better than i have all week
throats nots as sore and dont feel as sick but the nurses were worried if i could even cope with the test
i was like dude shoulda seen me a few days ago lol
lol did she scrape your throat or summik?
lol noooo
lol I was just wondering how she was making you feel like you might throw up! lol

glad your feeling better x
think this is me at my heaviest or around it any wayy

then me last november i think :
me bond night.jpg

me so far :

sorry its not like full body etc but i never really get those kinds of photos lol
love that black dress, you have great legs ;)
lol same with my legs. never wear them bare tho cos my thighs rub together :(