Hello all, I'm new

Hello everyone,
I've just joined here, but am on day 3 of my slimfast journey!
Going well so far.
Hoping to lose 3 stone, need to lose 3 stone!
Look forward to chatting to you all.
Pixie xx
I joined last night. Just deciding if SF is right for me...tried celebrity slim but just couldn't stomach the taste of the products
I'm hoping to lose 4 stone but ill be in a healthy weight range if I lose 3 do ill see how I feel when I get there!
I've been eating healthy since Sunday so will weigh in Monday. May get some SF shakes by then...
Looking forward to reading your posts..good luck
Hello :)
I make the shakes from the powder, with skimmed milk - I alternate between strawberry vanilla and caramel and they are really nice! Ive always liked milkshakes though!
Usually for lunch I'll have the chocolate meal bar. Snacks are either some fruit, or some of the slimfast snack products.
Then a variety for dinner, but usually something with salad.
Lost 6lb at my a last weigh in - I just weigh whenever really!
Been doing lots of walking, and the odd aerobics DVD which I want to do more of, but with 3 little ones finding the time is often tricky.
Last night we did have a pizza which I had been craving, was day 13 so felt like I deserved a bit of a treat. Really want to stick to it for another 13 days and then have a little treat! Already feeling so much better.
good luck! Let me know how you get on.
Yes I know what you mean about finding time. I have 2 kids, work part time and I'm studying..that sounds like a good idea with the treat - if you know you've got to be 'good' so many days it would be nice to have something to look forward to!
Rose x
Whenever I have a treat it becomes a habit and then I plateau
been 8 days treat free and I've matched my - this-diets-low-weight
it's taken all that time just to get back to it