Hello All

Hi my name is Simon I've been on slimming world for three months, lost loads and got the inevitable 'don't go too far' chat off my mam (was warned it was coming by a friend though so I was jellyfish proof).

I don't do the meetings because I cant stand up to be weighed, I do it from home and already used Minimins to search for syn advice and stuff so I figured it was about time I registered. Half the time the questions that come into my head have already been answered here!

You know, like when you make SW Pasta bake on Day 1 and SW quiche on Day 2 and then you realise that you used the HEX Cheese allowance for each serperate day in the two.... then you wonder what that means for your points if you have left over pasta and left over quiche on the third day. It's nice to know there are people who at least can answer and not think you are going mad.

Actually now I have mentioned that example, I am thinking what the answer would be. Hmmmm

I live in Manchester, I ponder a lot and I write. I hope I get the post amount that means you can get a pic up, life is all about goals isn't it.

Thanks for reading x
Keep posting, this site is a great way to get help and advice. It is also a great way to while away more hours than you probably should lol. I hope you get a lot of success from your plan :)
Thanks!!! Xx