Hello - Im new to these parts!


Hello, Im new here and hoping it may keep me motivated to actually stick to plan.

Im not new to SW, I've tried it many times before, along with Atkins, WW blah blah blah.
I suppose I could be called a serial dieter.
Problem is I have no staying power, consequently I started this year at my heaviest ever, went to SW in the hope of losing 6 stone in time for my 50th birthday, only stayed a few weeks as I found the group quite cliquey and Im not really into that!

That aside I mananged to lose a stone, and have maintained it despite just doing my own thing at home.

However I will be 50 :eek:, in 75 days time and feel really depressed about it :(

I intend to join SW tomorrow for a final fling before I join Club Saga :eek:, Im going to go to a lunch time group which as I work FT I have the option of staying or not without beating myself up!

Beating myself up is a theme in my life - as I never feel quite good enough, or that I tried hard enough, so I then throw in the towel and give up. Which is ridiculous, when everyobe I know tells me how strong I am - and that is also reflected in the type of job I have (no Im not a traffic warden!!)

Im not looking for sympathy as thats not really my style, but maybe to know there are other people who have walked the same path...

Anyway I will be checking in at least daily - and confessing when I need to!
Hiya....are you my long lost twin ,)) lol. Serioudly i could have postrd this myself. Big well done for joining the lunchtime group, hopefully it will suit you better. I have joined so many times and soo many different diets its a wonder they havent got a most wanted poster out on me. Anyhoo i have decided just half an hour ago actually, that i am rejoining on thursday. Not been to this meeting beforre so it will be a fresh start for both of us. Anyway just wanted to wish you well and hope to speak soon.just realised you cannot be my twin, im 7 years older than you. Have a good week. X

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I read those tips somewhere and im trying to practice them:
- Celebrate small achievements be it resisting that slice of cake or another drink
- Take it one day at a time, break down goals
- If you're caught out and have no sw friendly food around its ok to be hungry, ur not gonna die or starve .. ok u might starve a bit but ull feel so much better knowing u resisted going off the rails and it will remind u to be prepared.
- If you go off the rails during the day it doesnt have to be ruined for the rest of the day (same if you go off for a week or more). Even if you've gone over your syns by hundreds still aim to make the rest of the day SW friendly. You'll feel much better than waiting until tomorrow or a specific day of the week
- Prepare and plan. Have low syns treats handy but not too many that you risk eating them all.
- Cook extra portions so you have something ready when you're feeling "weak"
- Either eat it and enjoy it or don't eat it if you're gonna feel guilty about it
- It took months if not years to put on the weight, accept that it'll take a while to get it off

I often go off the rails when a deadline approaches and i still havent lost the weight fast enough so i think oh all this rice and pasta isnt going to make me lose it so i better switch to low carb..ofcourse i only last a few days or even hours then i binge and that itself loses me time that i could've been following sw plan .. stick with it all the way

I like to have success stories handy.. a man lost 10 stones last months magazine.. thats an inspiration for me. And when I think oh its only coz he had loads to lose/he's a man i look at those who lost 2.5 stones and are now in the 8 stone.. it works foreveryone if u stick to it.

I keep saying to myself that I owe it to myself to give this 100%

good luck ur not alone x
:) Hi, another 'mature' lady here doing SW, with some success may I add. Years of diets, up down round and round, dieting and then after watching several friends, some of whom are on here, losing weight and becoming happier and more confident into the bargain, I decided that if I was going to do it, there was to be no more procrastinating. That following evening found me at a local SW session and I havent looked back. I SHALL be slim at 70!!!

Good luck, I shall follow your progress with interest.
Good luck, I have to say in January I could have been you, I joined and most importantly stay to the whole meeting and I'm now 3st lighter with still a way to go. Difference now is I know I will succeed . So go girl only you can do it...xx
Thanks for your encouragement - I have written a list of meals for the week.
Made SW quiches, portioned all the cheese in the fridge and starting tomorrow with a trip to the gym at 0630 - as I start work at 0800!

Hope you all have a good week x