

Full Member
Hi everyone, i'm Laura from Durham, uk. I'm 29 and live with my fiance and 14 month old daughter

Came accross this place from google. Was getting fed up of not being able to talk to anyone about things. Used to be on a slimming forum a couple of years ago but it closed down and now i only go on facebook, so cant really say anything on there.

Im currently 25st 4lbs (i think) need to weigh myself but dont want to go back upstairs yet

The docs reckon i should be 13st, however ive always said that if i get to a weight where i'm happy with what im like i'll stop.

Reason for now trying to get support, is that yes ive been with my partner for 7 years and we're engaged etc, but he doesnt and has never found me attractive and last night decided to once again tell me. I dont know why, i havent been happy since before my daughter was born and now i just feel worse but now i also feel like im going to loose him too.

so yeah, this is me...hi
Oh you poor darling :(
I'm sure there are a lot of people who's husbands or partners don't find them attractive. When I started seeing my husband I was 3 stone lighter than I am now, and i've got to say it, I was pretty hot! Now I'm 13 years older, I've developed excessive hair and I've put on 3 stone! I KNOW I'm no longer attractive. I don't find myself attractive so how can I expect anyone else to?

A big part of attractiveness is confidence, and feeling confident in your own body. You need to lose weight for yourself darling, your baby and your future husband.

I'm not sure how he said that, whether he said it in a malicious way or whether he meant it to be constructive. Does he want you to be the best you can be? Does he love you so much but worries about not being attracted to you?

If he said it with malice then warning bells should be going off. You don't want to spend your life with an unkind person.

If he's a kind person and just wants you to have a healthy and loving marriage then let this spur you on to make the best of yourself. We're only in this life once. Don't we all want to look the best we can, feel the best we can?

Pick a diet and use this forum as motivation. There's some really motivational stories and photos on here. As soon as the weight starts dropping off you I'm sure your partner won't be able to keep his hands off you xxx

start - 12.2 current - 11.9 target 9.7
he wasnt being horrible about it, he's not like that. he wants me to be healthy, to be able to enjoy doing stuff with him and sophie. Its just that i didnt want to hear it again, i know all this.

We had set a date for our wedding, spoke to a wedding planner and i was all excited, now he's saying he doesnt want to get married, and that he wants me to be thinner (so do i ) for it. But the wedding was something to aim for, something to motivate me and its gone. I felt last night for the first time that i could loose him and i dont want that