
Hi! I’m new here too. I’m 30 and also in desperate need of losing a few lbs. feel closer to 50 with the weight tbh! Walking gets me out of breath 🙄 Definitely time for change!

Are you following a specific diet plan? Best of luck with it and maybe I’ll see you around the forums :)
Hi, i’ve joined w/w again, only because I got it for 2 months free. But I’m just hopeless. It always used to be so easy, but not anymore. My brother in law, gave me losds of slimming world bars yesterday, so now im swaying that way again. So i might do s/w, but log it on w/w. Every single year for as long as i can remember i start a diet and still end up weighing the same weight a year later 🤬🤬. Oh well Happy Xmas & Happy Dieting xx
I know that frustration so well. I actually lost the weight once and got down to a size 10 and I was so happy. This year I’ve been thinking about my weight all year but still ballooned from size 14 to a size 18 😬 I’m trying a Very Low Calorie meal replacement diet. Good luck with SW/WW! I’ve heard great things about SW. Some friends of mine have done tremendously well on that programme. Happy Christmas to you too, and here’s to a Slimmer, Happier us in the New Year! 🥂
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