HELP....i'm new and confused


New Member
Hi Everyone

I started WW this week and i'm a bit confused about my allowance, the meeting leader has written 33 in daily (i'm 45, 5'6" and 16st 4lbs) but underneath there is the standard weekly allowance of 49 to use over the week...but i'm sure she said that she'd included the weekly allowance?!? Any help would be gratefully accepted.


You'll have your 33 that you get everyday, on top of that you get the 49 weeklies to use as you please.
Thanks for that, I did think that was the case but i'm pretty sure she said she'd included them :/ I'll try not to use all of them before my weigh in and will ask her to clarify what she meant.

Thanks again
33 sounds right for you with the 49 weeklies but you don't have to use the 49 if you wish not to. Just make sure you use your 33 everyday! x