Help please new!


New Member
Hi guys. Struggling to lose weight and need a bit of advice. I'm injured at the minute and can't exercise. I'm 24, 6' 2" and 243 lbs.

Today I've eaten 2 weetabix and 250ml of whole milk

Homemade chilli and a jacket potato

Bowl of Ricicles 250ml whole milk

3 glasses of 7up free

I wondered if I ate this everyday would I lose weight?! Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

If you switched whole milk for semi skimmed then you would save 187 cals and a lot of fat a day on that food intake. In 500ml of whole milk there are 309 cals (16.7g Fat) and in the same quantity of semi skimmed there are only 122 (4.8g Fat)..... something to think about :)

I'm no dietician but I'm pretty sure if you ate that every day you would lack a lot of nutrition. I think for your height and weight you need to be eating more but a wider range of healthy, filling meals.

I agree with everyone about the online food diary (i'm also a member of MFP) and find it very benificial to log all my food (good and bad!) so you can see what you are consuming. It's amazing how many cals, fat and carbs are in things that I used to eat without a second thought :rolleyes:

Good luck!
Thanks guys for the comments.

I don't mean the same things everyday but the same calorific content. If I had food that amounted to that everyday would I lose weight?!

I know about the semi skimmed but I love whole milk!
Thanks again for the comments. Nice to know people are in the same boat.
:) you'd get bored of cereal too :p
Do some research into how many calories you should eat to lose weight. It can get quite technical though with BMR,BMI, TDEE and loads more acronyms! I would imagine that your height and weight you could eat a fair few calories and still lose weight. And don't forget to get moving, any exercise is a benefit if you don't do any now.
Have a look around my fitness pal, there's lots of calculators on there that you can put your details in and get your calorie intake for weight loss.
It sounds simple but losing weight is eat less, move more.
Let us know what you decide. :)