Help please!!!


Full Member

Would someone mind just explaining the basic rules with celebrity slim. I've ordered 4 weeks worth of strawberry shakes as they were stupidly cheap but I won't get a guide with that or anything.

From what I understand it's 2 shakes a day, 2 snacks and 1 main meal a day.

What are the rules re the snacks and main meal? Is it no carbs?

Confused muchly!

Thanks in advance for your help xxxx
Its a shake in the morning - snack - shake lunch - snack - then dinner (no carb meal) - no carbs alowed though in the meal or snacks. You can mix up when you have your meal though. I hope this helps.
Been on it since end of October - Good luck
Hi Shona!

Thanks for the reply! It's very quiet on here isn't it!? Lol!!

So is it just protein and veg allowed in the evening then?

What sort of snacks do you have? Just trying to get my head around it!

How have you found the diet?? Have you lost much weight if you don't mind me asking?

Do you come on here a lot? X
Not on here an awful lot as noone on this diet seems to use this forum. Bit of a newbee on here to be honest. There official site is much better for advise though, really busy with people. Been on diet since october, lost 3st, have loads to loose though!
No carbs, did you not get a list of the allowable snacks with your shakes? Im sure I have a list somewhere with them on if you want a copy. I tend to have fruit or a yoghurt or celery and peanut butter is good

Hello again!

I don't think I get any plans/info with my shakes that I've ordered as its just the 7 day packs not the starter pack. I bought the program guide on eBay and that came today so been having a read of that!

Just something that confuses me is the part about allowable snacks and how u an combine them?

So u can either have say an apple or combine it and have an apple and summit else? Surely you'll be eating more if u combine?

If you want to carry on with this thread id be happy to join u and we could motivate each other. I'm on here most days as its easier with the iPhone app. Tried going on celebrity slim website but on my phone it's really awkward! Lol!

I'm still waiting for my shakes to arrive got an offer on amazon and waiting for them to get to me! I'm hoping they come tomorrow as I want to start on Friday!!!
That sounds great. Not sure about the combining snacks things. I know you have to make sure that your snacks and anything you have for your dinner have to have less that 10g per 100g of carbs. I'll have like a slice of ham rolled up with a slice of cheese for a snack, no more that 30gs though, and you must drink loads of plain water too - 2lts, that can be hard for some people.
Good luck for tomorrow. :D
They didn't turn up today! :-(

I'm getting fed up of waiting now I really had my heart set on starting tomorrow! I just hope they turn up tomorrow now because I was gonna try get the worst few days done out of the way before I'm back at work on Monday! You know when u are just itching to start lol!!!

Anyways I'll let u know when I get them and we can carry on chatting and sharing ideas/motivation! Lol! I'll need it haha!!

How much more to do want to lose/ how much longer do u think you'll be doing it for?

Hey, Did you get them today?

I got another batch of strawberry shakes that I ordered from Groupon today. All out of date at the end of the month though. I'm sure I will get through them - might be strawberry and banana sick by then! (got a load of banana ones at knock of prices from the superdrug near me):D

Noooooooo they didn't come today either! Well annoyed! I ordered the Groupon ones as well lol so will have an 8 week supply when they eventually arrive! I hope they are nice these strawberry ones! I'll have to just grim and bear it though! Lol!

Might email the shop I got them from and see how long usually takes! Knowing my luck will come when I'm
Back at work on Monday! Lol!

I really just want to start now! Driving me mad!!

Do u take any of the other stuff they do? I.e weight capsules, fibre, the bars and soups?

I might start popping into superdrug on occasions to see what they have! Keep forgetting they sell it there! Just don't want to go buy a load from there at full price when I have all this short dated stuff to get through!!

It should be ok being out of date shouldn't it? Can't imagine it going funny!
Hey, I hope that you got your shakes today?! If you did what did you think of them?

I use the bars too - fruit and nut are the best ones- caramel ones can get a bit sickly (sp?) I also have a box of the capsules in the cupboard - saving these for when my weight plateaus out. Seemingly there good for kick starting the weight loss again.

Im not too worrried about taking them when there out of date - I have a whole box of banana and strawberry ones that I'll never get through! :D Cant imagine having them when there a few weeks out of date would cause too much harm!

Let me know how you got on x

4 weeks worth have arrived today. I had to go pick them up from the post office after work so I'm gonna start with them tomorrow!

I hope I like the taste of them because I've got 8 weeks of strawberry to get through!!

Im excited to get started tomorrow!! :)

Let u know what I think of the taste tomorrow! Fingers crossed I'll be happy xxxx
Well first day on celeb slim. Was excited to taste the shakes and I must say I'm disappointed!! They smell awful, not that strawberry ish and they are a little gritty!

Ok so not great but not deterring me! Only got to drink it 2 x a day. I'll cope and prob get used to it in a few days.

Just had shake, small apple, shake, small apple....for dinner having chicken breast with roast carrots and onions, mushrooms, cabbage and leek and some chopped toms made into a sauce!

This could turn into my fave meal! Lol!

Felt hungry today, doing well with water and resisting all temptations so far! Xxx
I know what you mean about the taste - it does get better. You have to shake them like mad as well! The 1st week or so is the worse, its your body craving the carbs! Watch out for carrots - they are a restricted veg - only once or twice a week

I weigh in on a monday - lost 2lbs this week :eek: which is ok. I know it could be better if i do a wee bit of excersise :sigh: Not very good at motivating myself at that though!

Keep up with the water - I seem to hang out an awful lot more in the toilet now a days :D:D

Hey Tiaratara

Im on day 4 of CS and have hated the shakes :( however, i had my one at lunch and after realised I hadn't moaned about it once or shuddered whilst drinking it haha!

Think eventually, you must just get used to them!

Good luck with it hun :)


Well cant say I'm used to the shakes yet but I'm sticking with it. I gip at the smell so try to just down them as quickly as possible!! I don't understand how they make them so vile!! I will carry on and I will get used to them!
How are u finding the evening meal? Are u struggling to resist carbs or come up with interesting meals??

Is there an actual limit of grams of carbs your allowed because there is some in the shakes so obv allowed some??

Shona....2lbs is good hunni, don't be disheartened! I've no idea when to weigh in! I started Tuesday but to be honest I might give it a few more extra days so I feel more motivated by the loss (if I even have one!)


Yeah they really arn't great! I'm going to try and get some other flavours this weekend and see what they are like. I've got chocolate and believe me, they don't taste like Chocolate!!

Still struggling with the evening meal. I'm eatin alot of fish and veg to be honest, and ham/chicken salads. I'm quite a fussy eater which doesn't help when there isn't much you can eat anyway! I had a ham and mushroom omelette with salad last night which was nice and made a change. Also attempted to do a shake cake that I'd heard of on the CS website and well........... YUCK! was like eating playdoh!

How you getting on today?

Yeah I'm a mega fussy eater too!! I hardly like any veg at all and the ones I do like have to be in moderation! Boring! Lol!!

I've only got strawberry ones and they are awful. They have a hint of strawberry but the smell is terrible and they have such a bad aftertaste! I have to brush my teeth straight after or have some gum!!

I don't really know if I'm following it properly but never mind! Got a while yet till weigh day, this week gone soooooo slow!!

What day are u weighing in?? Xxx

Sorry, don't come on here very often, its very quiet lol!
It was weigh in day today and I'm pleased to say I lost 11 pounds!!! Was totally in shock. Think I lost a lot because I have a lot to loose if that makes sense? Its made me so motivated though to keep going! Promised my self that by my 24th birthday I will be at goal weight and now I actually feel on track!

How are u getting on hun? I know the shakes arn't great but u really do get used to them! What have u been having for ur main meals and snacks?

Mel xx