Help using the calculator please

Good morning everyone. Im doing WW Pro Points at home and my phone app isnt updating my Pro Points allowance. I have the calculator here to hand but cant remember how to do it! Can anyone help please?
Calculating ProPoints Values using your ProPoint Calculator

1. To start, press the Propoints button and the screen will display "CALCULATE?"

2. Press ENTER and the screen will then display "PROTEIN?" prompting you to input the protein per portion -use the number keys to do this and press ENTER to confirm.

3. Do the same for carbohydrates "CARBS?" total fat "TOTAL FAT?" and fibre "FIBRE?" per portion and press ENTER after each entry.

4. The ProPoints values for the food item will be displayed on the screen.

Using Calculated ProPoints Values

Once you have calculated the ProPoints values the screen will prompt "USE?" giving you the option to use these ProPoints values from your allowance: press ENTER to use these. Your daily ProPoints allowance left for the day will display on the screen. If you don't want to deduct these from your daily allowance press C/CE to exit.

Multiple Servings

If you are using more or less than one serving; for example two portions of the same food item or half a portion*, at the "USE?" screen press the X or ÷ button, the screen will then display "MULTIPLY"? or "DIVIDE"?

Type in the number you wish to multiply or divide the serving by and press ENTER. The screen will display "USE?" again and the recalculated ProPoints values; press ENTER to use these from your allowance or C/CE to exit. Your ProPoints allowance left for the day will display on the screen.

Fractions can not be calculated for part of a portion, so for example, if you are using half a serving you could not use x 0.5, instead use + and 2 then press ENTER to show Propoints values for half a serving.

Source: WeightWatchers
I was asking how to update my Pro points allowance. For example, im on 37 daily right now, but i have lost 12 1/2 lbs and was thinking that my daily allowance would have to drop. Sorry if i wasnt clear and thank you for taking the time to reply