Hi everyone

I've been on the SS for about two months now, but due to financial issues I can no longer afford to buy the shakes.

So my question is: how can I continue with the cambridge diet and remain in ketosis without actually being on the shakes?

Thanks in advance guys


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yes either try slim and save or follow atkins which will keep you in ketosis and allow you to eat food. you can get great deals on packs of meat or quorn if you're veggie from farmfoods or iceland, farmfoods do something like 6 chicken breasts for £2 which are kept frozen so you can eat on a budget and still lose weight, plus the added bonus is you can eat foooood!
Any really low carb plan will keep you in ketosis x
Thanks everyone really appreaciate it, I've never heard of slim and save so will look into that. I will try to stick to the SS Calories as Im really happy with my progress so far.

Nimz xxx

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What ever you do stick to low carb, u won't be able to survive on SS cals if your not in ketosis x
In terms of nutrition, what foods can I replace the shakes with in order to ensure I'm getting the right/some of the daily recommended nutrition?

So far I know that I can have small piece of chicken breast along with some greens like broccoli.

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I'm not sure any diet of real food would be nutritionally complete with so few calories???