Emma Theunissen

New Member
Hi I hope someone can give me some advice please? I've been doing slimming world for 3 weeks now. I've stuck to the plan and around twice a week will do the original days. Unfortunately I don't seem to be losing any weight! Has anyone else found this has happened to them? I do have fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome also so this does make it harder to lose weight but to not even lose 1lb is frustrating. I've done slimming world before and did exactly the same last time and lost around 9lb but this time, nothing?
Are you able to give us an example of the food you eat on a typical day? That might help to narrow down the issue and allow us to give you more focussed advice about any changes you could make :)
Agree with @Grunka Lunka, could you post a food diary (as detailed as possible) and we can see if there's anything we can help you with?
Hi and thanks for your reply.
So typically for breakfast I'll have tomatoes, eggs with fry light mushrooms sometimes bacon medalions grilled and my healthy bread option for toast usually no butter lemon tea, or tea with some of my milk allowance porridge if not having bread that day again with the milk allowance. Lunch a jkt potato with beans/tuna with mayo (synns for mayo) and if no milk that day my cheese allowance and salad. Fruit for snacks and dinner will be pasta with veg or lean meat veg etc. Slimming world dinners from Iceland. I don't eat puddings and use my synns for butter and mayo etc as I don't eat anything low fat as it's so full of chemicals. So I can't see where I'm going wrong as I'm having the fruit, veg and salad with all meals also.
Well, it certainly sounds like you’re following the plan and getting your one third speed food in with your meals. One question is what are you using your healthy B choices on each day? If it’s always bread or porridge, could you mix things up a bit and have some nuts or Ryvita or something instead a couple of days a week? I know my losses are slower on weeks where I have a lot of bread so I try not to use it more than once a week for my healthy extra.

Also, it sounds like your meals are quite large throughout the day. This is just me but the things you’re eating for breakfast, lunch and dinner are all things that I’d tend to eat for dinner and I’d only have 1 meal a day that big, with breakfast and lunch being smaller and lighter.

I suppose another question is do you stop eating when you feel full or do you clear your plate at every meal? Also, do you eat when you’re hungry or just when it happens to be breakfast/lunch/dinner time? One of my biggest problems is eating when I’m not hungry, such as clearing my plate at dinner just because the food’s there and not because I actually need to eat it. This is something I’m working on so I’m trying not to eat anything until I actually feel hungry, which is when my stomach starts to growl. I try to stop when I’m full, rather than when my plate’s clean but that’s a bit harder to implement, though it would result in less calorie intake. We were talking about this at group a couple of weeks ago and comparing our habits with those of ‘naturally thin’ people and everyone in group was able to relate to this.

A final thought, do you have a lot of weight to lose or just a little? If you’re already quite close to your target, losses are likely to be a lot slower since each pound lost will be a higher percentage of your body weight than if you have a lot to lose.

Just some thoughts and I may be well off the mark. Do you go to group? If so, have you shown your food diary to your consultant as they might be able to help you. My comments are just based on an example.
Hi thanks for replying. I eat this amount as I swim 3o lengths 3-4 times a week. If I didn't eat that much I think I'd pass out lol. Could the swimming be building muscle hence no weight loss on the scales? I'll measure myself instead for now I think. I can't go to the meetings because I work most evenings and Saturdays I'm usually dropping my daughter off to the stables at the time of the Saturday meeting locally. I might just try doing the original plan for a while and see how I get on. Thanks for all of your help