

Full Member
okaaay i kinda need help!
i do like reaaaaaaaally well for a week then i dont do aswell the week after food wise not terible but not helping weight loss its usially night times! but i do exercise 1-2 hours 5-6 days a week still on the crap days i just dno wa goin on!!!!!!! lol sorry 4 my moan but its kinda gettin me down coz on the good weeks i loose up to 4lbs!
i think we all have our bad days hunni, thing is we do need them, otherwise we will just get bored, we need those bad days to kick us into gear and remind ourselves why we are doing this, if you see what i mean?
I agree about all of us having bad days. I ate half a pack of cookies the other day, felt quite terrible after doing so but I've learned now that I can't buy a pack of cookies and only have 1 ;-)

I understand how you feel though, but don't really know what else to say..

You'll figure it out hun xxx
Hi everyone, this is my first post in minimins! I've been calorie counting for a while. If i want a treat every now and then, or go out for dinner somewhere, i know it's not the end of the world. I think it is so important for us to enjoy the diet, otherwise we become our own prisoners. Your weekly weight loss proves that what you're doing is working, so i say don't worry about pigging out!
Hi im new on these boards but thought i would share this..If its a case of the dreaded munchies that you get have you thought about making sugar free jelly..I always have some in the fridge made up because it just hits the spot when you want something and you may not have enough allowance left at the end of the day..
^ I agree. Sugar free jelly is a big help. There are lots of flavours now and taste so much better than they used to. Also combine them with fruits for an alnite munch guilt free treat!