Here we go again!

I tried exante last year, and did lose weight; however, eating a soup, bar and shake was not for me. I then low carbed for a while, which was fantastic, felt so much better in myself and weight loss was steady. Over the last few months I've really got out of touch with it, so I'm back on the wagon now, cutting out the good old alcohol and doing at least 30 mins excersize a day. Slowly building myself up to doing the 30 day shred, because it nearly killed me off when I tried it the other day. Have lost 3lb this week, which has cemented it in my head that I WILL stick to it. Also listening to the gastric band app off iTunes, which I do believe is helping me stay on track. In for a penny and all that ;) I haven't got a whole lot to lose to take me into what boots scales consider a healthy bmi, though I would like to lose about two stone to feel comfortable with my weight, and I've definitely felt more sluggish since I've been gobbling carbs again.