Hi all!


New Member
Hi guys, I am new on here. I desperately need to loose half a stone, but cant keep away from food. I did slimming world few months ago, and I lost about 4/5 pounds all together, but but took forever and was bored of eating bland food. Any tips on a quick weight loss??? Thank you
Hi guys, I am new on here. I desperately need to loose half a stone, but cant keep away from food. I did slimming world few months ago, and I lost about 4/5 pounds all together, but but took forever and was bored of eating bland food. Any tips on a quick weight loss??? Thank you

I lost 7lbs the first two weeks with SW & I never ate so much lovely food. It actually made me eat well & having tried every diet & quick fix under the sun, it's the only thing that has worked. Would you consider retarting Slimming World?? Have a look through the diaries & recipes for ideas for what to eat, there's something to suit all tastes. A few of my favourite threads are..............


I guarantee it'll be worth eating well for a couple of weeks than a quick fix. Sorry if that's not you want to hear, but I've been there done that & life is far too short to be miserable due to food deprivation.

Good Luck!!!
Hey Anna,

Well I can only speak about the programme that worked for me and that was calorie counting. I was 19st at my heaviest and coupling that with exercise managed to lose 6st in a year and a half. Shame I put nearly three of it back on over two years of not tracking.

I like it as no food is forbidden but you will eventually (but always have the flexibility not to) go for food that is healthier to make the calories go further.

When you say you want something that is quick. I don't want to sound like a nag or anything but usually if you lose weight quick you put it back on just as quick. As your amount is such a low number I think you can lose it in about three weeks if not less. Usually how quick you lose it depends on how heavy you are at the outset. Larger ladies lose a lot in the first week due to water retention and other factors.

Oh, and in my experience if you decide to go for another diet plan try not to rule complete foods out as they will be the most tempting thing on earth.

I think you'll do fine. Have a look on the interwebs and find a system that works for you. The weight should come off quickly with a good diet and exercise.
Welcome to the forum Anna. Wish you good luck too! My opinion with quick fix weight loss solutions is that they seldom work. They give the wrong message to your body and mind. Your body will starve and you know the consequences of starvation. In order to lose weight you must change your attitude and mindset. Shortcuts don't help change your mindset. After a "successful" quick fix and the wrong mindset, in no time you'll get back what you've lost and more.
Welcome to the forum Anna. Wish you good luck too! My opinion with quick fix weight loss solutions is that they seldom work. They give the wrong message to your body and mind. Your body will starve and you know the consequences of starvation. In order to lose weight you must change your attitude and mindset. Shortcuts don't help change your mindset. After a "successful" quick fix and the wrong mindset, in no time you'll get back what you've lost and more.
I agree with Baxk quick fixes seldome work...
Welcome and good luck with what you choose to do.