Hi... new from Texas :)


I've been browsing this site for a while now and I like it so much. The one thing I've noticed is that this place is not judgemental at all. I used to be a part of a forum once before, a fairly popular one, but the general consensus was that if you do not lose your weight through calorie counting alone, it's not sfe an effective weight loss. Nobody would say it outright of course. But you could hear it from the tone of their post.

For me counting calories is difficult. It's not that I don't know how. Having to count calories since I was 16 (when I first started gaining weight) and taking a course in nutrition taught me how. But it just isn't the thing for me.

My "diet", I guess, is eating intuitively. Eating when I'm hungry, knowing when to stop (as soon as satisfaction kicks in, not the bloated, full stomach feeling). If I'm given a choice of foods, as in a restaurant, I would make the healthiest choice possible. Whatever sounds most nutritionally sound.

I admit calorie counting is key here. After all, it's calories in versus calories out. But I dislike the actual calculation of it. I dislike planning meals in advance, having to plan for each situation. I'm going to take it day to day.

Is anybody else eating intuitively? :)
I wish i could! I cant at all! :(I m terrible....so slimming world works the best for me! becasue its unlimited (only on certain foods!)

Thats great though if you can do that! i admire you!x
Leannemarie28, it's how most of us (not all) got here in the first place. I've been a binge-eater since I was 16. Knowing when I was uncomfortably full but still not stopping. It's definitely difficult but I really want to learn from my body signals, stopping when I need to stop. I feel that's the only way I can control my binging.
welcome to the forum

noone here judges anyones methods , sure if i see someone posting something and it makes me concerned for there health i will post but never in a critical way..

i never count calories i only count fat , 5g of fat or less in every 100g of product.. and no more then 15g of fat per meal.. its working for me..