Hi :)


Hi everyone

Im Lyndsay and have a very unhealthy relationship with food. In my early teens I had major issues with eating, which hurt alot of people around me. I managed to sort of control it (or was it controlling me) for many years but never felt 100% better. When I fell pregnant it gave me the kick and I started eating properly again, but swung the other way and didnt stop eating for 2...

When I broke my leg a few years later and was immobile for months the weight just piled on :(

4 years, and a nasty divorce, later I have finally decided to sort it out and started Slimming World about 5 weeks ago. So far its going really well and Ive lost 11.5lb. Now im scared the loss will stop and ill creep back into my old ways.

Also, exercise isnt my thing. Bet everyone has used that excuse LOL. Seriously though, since my leg break (nasty one) I just dont have the strength in my leg for running. Any hints and tips to keep it interesting??

I should probably also mention I have high BP so NEED to make this work, if only to get the doc off my back ;)
Hi! Sounds like you've got a lot of reasons to make this work, best of luck!