Hi :)


Hello, im Bertie, im 21 and new to the site.

I started my diet last year during my last year at university. I managed to lose a stone then for one reason or another stopped, but now i am back on track and hoping to lose as much towards my goal as possible. I joined here to see what advice people can give and be around like minded people.

Talk soon no doubt. :)
B xx
ive only just joined too. Are you following a certain diet or just healthy eating in general? I'm on slimming world, it worked well for me before, but then just stopped and it all pilled back on, determined to get more healthy
Kinda im calorie counting, but not fololwing a specific plan, just learnt from friends who followed diet plans and picked up on what i could use easiest really. I found that my weight stayed off well, i only ever varied by a couple of pounds when i stopped, but also found that i wouldnt eat certian stuff knowing it would be pointless. i have heard some of my friends say that slimming world was good when they were doing it but when they stopped the weight returns, but i guess it is different for different people. I found that there was no point me dieting wihtout going to the gym and exercising as it makes so much more of a difference. Are you following an exercise plan at all?

B xx
I have just joined on here too. I started weight watchers yesterday. I put on rather a lot of weight at uni so am hoping to lose that and some. a few of my friends used fitness aps on their phones to calorie count so yhat may help you x
Hey Lucy,

Yeah i had one on my old phone but the phone broke. lol. need to get around to getting it again. :) well i hope you manage to reach your goal for it. yeah uni is not the best place for healthy eating. lol.

B xx
Hey, I'm a newbie too.

I put on loads of weight at uni (from 13 and half stone to 16 and a half!) because of so many things... cheap/bad/junk food, alcohol, working odd hours and all that stuff.

I would recommend putting together a spreadsheet that you can use to track your calories, exercise and weight... it's really helpful to me! Although my BF says I'm boring because I do it!
Kinda im calorie counting, but not fololwing a specific plan, just learnt from friends who followed diet plans and picked up on what i could use easiest really. I found that my weight stayed off well, i only ever varied by a couple of pounds when i stopped, but also found that i wouldnt eat certian stuff knowing it would be pointless. i have heard some of my friends say that slimming world was good when they were doing it but when they stopped the weight returns, but i guess it is different for different people. I found that there was no point me dieting wihtout going to the gym and exercising as it makes so much more of a difference. Are you following an exercise plan at all?

B xx

Yes defiantly, not going gym yet, trying to settle back on slimming world before adding in the fitness as think it will make me just fail! Although i know when i used to go running is what really used to shift it for me so need to get back on that treadmill! How have you been getting on the last few days?
Each persons preference is different, its good to just go your own way. :). i have done quite well lost three pounds already in just over a week. :) i get addicted to the gym though, problem is my muscle mass is over 50% of my body so i will always be big in shape, just want to trim the stuff around it. lol. went to zumba last night, was brilliant fun. :) thats what's great is that you dont have to just go to the gym but take classes. :)

How are you getting on?
B xx
Unfortunately i have had a few iffy days. I havent had a huge binge and eaten loads but today i went over my points and i did yesterday. the nutella jar called to me haha
its a tad disheartening. I am thinking of starting zumba again, i found it was a laugh x
Dont worry you can get back on track, just focus on what you want to achieve and it will soon be here. :) but yes nutella is sometimes way too good to ignore. lol :p good for you. :)
B Xx
Hi bertie! :) im 19 and just starting lipotrim! not easy but have 3 stone to lose in 5 months as im going to africa in june! i put on weight at uni.. so dealing with that! you seem very positive - always good x
Hi Bertie.
I have just started SW on Monday. Hope your Calorie Counting journey works! I know the support here has offered me alot so far.
Good Luck :D
Hi bertie! :) im 19 and just starting lipotrim! not easy but have 3 stone to lose in 5 months as im going to africa in june! i put on weight at uni.. so dealing with that! you seem very positive - always good x

good luck, let me know how it works out for you as i have been considering trying it out. what a fantastic goal to set yourself, i found the best way was to have a reward to look forward to, im hoping to take my family to america in april for my birthday to go and see some old friends, want to look different when they see me. :) Just make sure you take care of yourself and be aware of what your body is telling you. :)

good luck. :D
Hi emmie, yay good for you. :)

good luck to you too. :)
Hi Bertie, good luck with the diet. I started Slimming World just before Christmas. I have done WW before, but this seems a lot easier. You do not have to count anything and I like that.

I look forward to watching your progress.