

New Member
Hi I'm new here but not new to Lipotrim. Been on this diet since December and gone from 15st to 11st 6lb. I had a week of refeed over Christmas and a few odd days off for my birthday etc so overall I'm really pleased with my loss! I'm hoping to get down to 9st so I'm in the middle of my healthy weight. I go on holiday in six weeks and if those scales say 9st something by then I will be absolutely made up! My weigh in day is Thursday and last week I lost 7.5lb which was unbelievable this far into the diet so I'm delighted with that!

Does anyone else still feel really big despite losing alot of weight? I still feel massive even though I'm only over three stone down :confused:

Toni xx
My belly still feels huge. It's never been flat since my first child was born but usually when I get down to the mid 11st it's feeling ok... Atm it's hanging over my belt and I keep catching my elbows on it...

Lol - nice picture I've painted there eh? :D
Haha well that sounds like mine so I'm just glad you said it first :p my belly has gone down alot but it's still really wobbly. It's weird though because it's coming off some places quicker than others so I've got boney hips but then a sticky out gut lol completely lost my chest too which I'm not too happy about!

How are you doing on lipotrim? Have you been in it long?
I've done 5 weeks this time (done it a few times over the last 4 years), then a whole week of refeeding - having a week off now when I am going to try to eat really sensible stuff. Then back on LT for another 4 weeks...

After that maybe a month off to see if I can actually eat properly without having 2-3 takeaways a week or using my frying pan every day - for me that's the key I hope. I keep slipping up when I am off LT!

I'm 11st 6lbs atm too.
oh and yeah - weight off my boobs is bad but it always happens :(

I want it to go from my bum, hips and belly! If I ever make it to 9 something I'm probably going to be left with saggy bags for boobs. :wave_cry:boobs.
Hi Toni

Well done on your fantastic loss, and doing it without the support here on the forum too!!

I know exactly what you mean. I was having a conversation in the pub lastnight with my other half. I had a tracksuit thing on yesterday which I could finally get into (present from family 6 weeks ago) and he was saying how much my shape had changed and I could see the appreciative twinkle in his eye and he really meant it which was so lovely in itself. Logically I can see the scales getting lower and I know I have moved down several clothes sizes but my eyes/head struggle to equate that in any sensible fashion and I still can't see the overall change or come to terms with it. I've never been my current weight in my adult life. I almost need to stand amongst people of the same height and weight as me, so I can actually compare and accept that this is the way I look now, not a size 24 which is still in my head. I really want the internal image of me to be slim or I fear that I will once again slip back to the fat mental image of me. Have been wondering how to solve this mental image conundrum - I am a firm believer in hypnotherapy and think this may be a good option for me. Any thoughts?

Apologies for the outpouring, but your post really struck a chord with what I'm going through at the moment.

Best wishes

Kay x x x
Ive been every size from a size 12 to size 22 but ive always felt like the fat person. My head has never kept up.
Fantastic weight loss though, well done. You should be proud of yourself.