Hips... all I can think of is the Shakira song!


Repeat Offender
Well, I've decided that my hips have to get shifted!! They need to catch up with the rest of me a bit more, so I'm going to try and do some targeted exercises to tone up my hips and get those inches shifted! I'm going to try and do one of these exercises 3 times a week, varying what I do. Thought I'd share with you all!

Hips have been the problem areas for women since times immemorial. Here we offer you a routine to combat those problem areas. Initially, perform one set of 15-20 repetitions. Then increase the number of sets to 2, at least twice a week. Within a few weeks, you will see improvement in your appearance. Get advice from the personal trainer for effective results. If you suffer from injuries or health problems, get medical advice before starting any exercise regime.

Side Lying Hip Raises
Area toned: Hips
Procedure: Lie down on the mat on your left, legs outstretched. Keep your head within your hands and bend the left leg. Lift the right leg about 8-12 inches off the ground, without bending the knee. Now lower it slowly. Repeat this 15-20 times and then switch the sides and continue.
To increase intensity: Tie weight cuffs around the ankles. Use 1 lb initially and then slowly increase the weight to finally reach 5 lb within the span of 4-6 weeks. You can also raise the leg and make 10 large circles in the air in clockwise direction. Repeat the same process in the anticlockwise direction.

Seated Hip Toning
Area toned: Hips
Procedure: Sit on the mat with the legs joined and palms touching the mat for support. Raise your right foot about 8-12 inches in the air. With your toes, make a large circle in the air by just moving your ankle. Do 15 circles in the clockwise and another 15 circles in the anticlockwise direction. Repeat with the other leg.
To increase intensity: Tie weight cuffs on the ankles. Initially, use 1 lb and then increase the weight slowly to 5 lbs in the span of 4-6 weeks. Tracing smaller circles will also increase the intensity.

Standing Single Leg Wall Squat (Advanced)
Area toned: Hip And Thigh
Procedure: Stand on one foot with your back touching the wall. Breathe in and slowly go down in the squat position when sliding against the wall, all the while keeping your heels on the floor. Breathe out and slowly straighten the leg, with your head and chest up and go back to the starting position. Repeat the process. This exercise is quite advanced. If you experience any pain or discomfort, please stop the exercise. If you have hip or knee pain, you should do this exercise only after consulting your doctor.

Standing Single Leg Dumbbell Squats
Area toned: Hip And Thigh
Procedure: Stand on a leg and bend your knees slightly. With a dumbbell in each hand, keep your hands by your sides. With your heels touching the floor throughout the exercise, inhale and go down in the squatting position. As you exhale, straighten your leg slowly, ensuring your head and chest are positioned upwards. Go back to the starting position. Repeat this as many times as you can. You can use 2 lb dumbbells in the beginning and then slowly increase the weight to 5 lb within 3-4 weeks.

Lying Leg Bridge
Area toned: Hips
Procedure: Lie down on a mat and keep your feet on a plank or board placed at a height of 4-6 inches. Bend your knees such that your feet are flat on the floor. Keep your palms on the floor on each side of body to provide support. Exhale and raise your hips up, while keeping the spine straight. Remain in this position till you start feeling uncomfortable. Your hips should remain up throughout. Now go down slowly. Repeat 15-20 times.

Lying Face Down Plank
Area toned: Hip, Thigh And Ab
Procedure: Lie down on the mat on your stomach, such that elbows are in contact with the mat, below the shoulders. Stretch out your legs as far as possible. Toes should be on the floor. Lift up the hips and remain in this position, all the while ensuring your back is flat. Then lower the hips slowly to the ground. This exercise tones hips, thighs and abdomen. It is very strenuous exercise since it uses multiple muscles. Repeat this exercise 15-20 times. If you find it difficult to complete 15-20 repetitions, start with 8-10 repetitions.
looks good, I really need to start some exercise soon, other than nearly daily walks and occasional arm toning I've done nothing!
Walking is meant to be pretty good for your hips. I really want to start going to like a dance class, or water aerobics or something. But don't want to go by myself. But there's no-one who can or will come with me :(