Homemade lasagne!


Full Member
Hope you can help, im going to friends tomoz night who's making a vege lasagne, any ideas on pointage?!

Heeeeeelp!!! Xxxx
i made a home made lasange and for quite a small portion (compared to what i had before ww!) was 18pp, but most of the points were to do with the mince, if its a veggie lasagne might not be as much so have another flick thru eating out guide and see if somewhere does a veggie lasagne , might not be as many xxx
If you make homemade red sauce that would be free. Pasta sheets are 2 each. Veg is free. So just check your white sauce and there you go :) If you let me know what white sauce you're using I can check for you x
Sorry, I didn't read this properly! I thought you was making your own :/ I'd hazard a guess at approx 12 points x