Horrible weight gain after one day!

Morning! I could scream today. It was my third weigh in this morning and I have gained 3.5lbs!! Despite sticking to the plan 100% every day for 3 weeks, I decided to have a flexible syn day on Saturday. My hubby and I had an anniversary day and I had lots of wine and a nice meal out. I tried to keep track of flexible syns and got right back on the plan on Sunday morning but have gained an incredible 3.5lbs at weigh in this morning. The logical part of my brain is saying that there is NO WAY I could have gained that much in a day because I didn't physically eat 3.5lbs worth of food!! So it could come back off in a few days. The emotional side of my brain is crushed, It took me 2 weeks to lose 3.5lbs and I feels as if it's all gone to waste. Thoughts?
Try not to get down about it and wait and see what happens next week - hard I know!!

And I think you're right - no way could one meal put 3.5 on you
Try not to worry, unless you ate an extra 12,000 calories on that day, you can't have put on 3.5lb! It takes an extra 3500 calories to put on a pound of fat, so it is more likely to be fluid retention from extra salt or the alcohol. Just stick to plan this week and I'm sure you'll see it gone next week.
try not to be too despondent Kerrie, don't forget that alcohol increases water retention while your body flushes it out of your system, especially if you've been cutting back on it for a while :) stick to the plan hun and increase your water intake and hopefully you'll see an loss, or at least an STS, next week :)
Don't be so hard on yourself, you're going to have weeks were you gain weight, that's how it is, we've all been there. Just a few pointers though, when you say flexible syns did you do flexible syns or did you not count the syns at all? there is a difference, flexible syns are were you decide beforehand how many syns you will have then stop when you've had those syns. Some people confuse flexible syns by going off plan & thinking that's ok, SW use flexible syns so you stay in control & to stop over synning.

The main thing is you're back in control now, maybe next time you could save syns for a particular night out, or tell yourself you may gain or STS at next WI.

I hope you feel better now for sharing.