how do i lose belly fat


Full Member
i have a big fat wobbly belly it is the bit i hate most about my body. was told that i would need to do cardiovascular excersize to burn fat of my belly so i started running 5 weeks ago but i dont think i have lost much on my belly. anyone got any helpful tips. thanx
PrincessPink-x said:
i have a big fat wobbly belly it is the bit i hate most about my body. was told that i would need to do cardiovascular excersize to burn fat of my belly so i started running 5 weeks ago but i dont think i have lost much on my belly. anyone got any helpful tips. thanx

I found that coupling cardio with lots of ab work meant it felt tighter and smoother.
If you want an app there's some good five minute one to ease you in. Search for five minute abs.

Kettlebells are my favourite though it's cardio and strength together. I use the Kettleworx DVDs they're a bit pricey but worth it I reckon, and a bell is only £10 in Tesco.
Unfortunately it's difficult to target areas - you could do a million ab crunches but if the fat is covering it then that isn't any use (apart from strengthening your core). Best thing to do is High Intensity Interval Training, power walk for 2 minutes, then jog hard/run for 2 minutes. Do this for around 30-40 mins. As well as this do smaller reps of higher weights, the higher you can manage the better.....this is fab for fat burn. xx
Hi, my stomach is my problem zone as well. I've found that no matter what i do, the excess weight is coming off my tummy last. I'm 3.5 stone lighter now than when i started, but I think its only over the last stone that its come off my stomach. SO, my advice - just lots of exercise to get rid of the weight, and in time it will come.

Plus lots of sit ups!!