How do you cope?


Full Member
I have sprained my foot :( This means that it is too sore to use the treadmill. I can still use exercise bike but I never get as intense a workout.

I am recovering from an eating disorder and its tiny things like this that tend to throw me off track.
So tell me what you do when a little inconvenience pops up that means you can't follow your plan?
It really messes up my whole week when anything like this happens :(
you are just going to have to rest for a few weeks, and by the way you need to start gaining weight your BMI shows that you are under weight.
How's it going Cateka(apart from the sprained foot? :hug99:
you are just going to have to rest for a few weeks, and by the way you need to start gaining weight your BMI shows that you are under weight.

she knows...she is recovering from an eating tiny steps at a time ;)

hun why dont you just walk on the treadkill until you have worked off the calories you would have by running?? it may take a little longer...but if you can see that magic might help x
Hey everyone, thanks for the concern. My foot is feeling a little bit better now, it only hurts if I flex it so I'm back to jogging and it doesn't seem to be doing any more harm.
I had another awful inconveniece - my gym is closed on sunday (yes, I understand, they need to sleep too) so I decided on taking a nice jog outside in the morning instead. Only thing was it was freezing cold and pissing it down on Sunday morning - I don't know if I'm being a wimp but I really HATE being in the rain, jogging or not so I didn't go out. I kindof depend on early morning exercise because it makes me a bit drowsy for the rest of the day which means I am not anxious at all and can actually relax and read a book or get some work done. On Sunday I got no cardio done, my foot was too sore to do Yoga or hip hop so... boredom = anxiety = frustration = binge = purge.

Really, I don't get how everyone else copes.. :(