How low should a WS low carb meal be?


Repeat Offender
Just wondering, on the website it says that working solution allows a 400 calorie low carb meal but doesn't give any figure to aim for for carbs. Anyone have any ideas? I don't do Exante but I'll be cooking for someone who does and I don't want to be responsible for a lack of ketosis!
That's lovely!!!

Unfortuatly tho I have no idea lol. Think i seen something floating about saying under 10 carbs? I think it's safe to say she can have the meat and veg but no potatoes!

I generally google low carb meals for a recipe- try the south beach diet, they've great ideas that might suit you both

5 lost : 62 to goal
Personally as I do a couple of WS days a week I try and aim for no more than 20g per meal, it may sound a lot but my reasoning is that its the same as if I had an extra shake/soup/porridge which I know some of the girls do.

I'm personally not good at counting the calories and I am sure quite often my WS meals have gone over 400, however, this is usually because I have mostly meat to keep me in ketosis and quite often its lean steak, lamb or pork which is higher in cals than chicken or turkey.

Hopefully this is of some help, if in doubt just opt for meat and salad/veg with no potatoes/sweet sauces/bread and alike and you cant go too far wrong!
I would stick to mainly protein and salad and that will keep your carbs low. 20g seems about right as shakes are 18g and the bars are 23g. You could maybe check out Atkins for recipe ideas xx
Ah ok, thanks for all the replies. The two meals I've planned are 15g and 16g so I think they'll be ok, it's mostly meat with salad or low carb veg. Nothing citrusy, got it. Hadn't thought of that one but didn't plan on anything like that.

I did have a look on the Exante site but they went from one extreme to the other. All the ketosis meals were up to 7-8g of carbs but then the non ketosis meals weren't any less than about 30-35g so says nothing about what's in the middle! Most of the carbs in both meals are fibre, which, as far as I know, doesn't effect ketosis so it should be ok. I think. I hope!
caroline g said:
Ah ok, thanks for all the replies. The two meals I've planned are 15g and 16g so I think they'll be ok, it's mostly meat with salad or low carb veg. Nothing citrusy, got it. Hadn't thought of that one but didn't plan on anything like that.

I did have a look on the Exante site but they went from one extreme to the other. All the ketosis meals were up to 7-8g of carbs but then the non ketosis meals weren't any less than about 30-35g so says nothing about what's in the middle! Most of the carbs in both meals are fibre, which, as far as I know, doesn't effect ketosis so it should be ok. I think. I hope!

Yeah I think you're supposed to stick to the 7-8g (max 10)
Generally green veg is safest (no peas). I'm not sure if 15-16 would be ok, probably will but it completely depends on the individual and how carb sensitive he is
Hope you guys have a lovely meal :)
The meals were amazing!

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