How many have YOU lost?

LOL @ BL and SB.

Min I love prawns so that wont be a problem. Really wanting to give this whole fish thing a go so when the time comes i will be looking all the tips i can get frm u about cooking it.

When u start RTM can u substitute chicken for fish??
Yes, or any other protein. Have you read about BL's first meal on RTM? I'm not sure if it's on the RTM thread or in her Stream of Consciousness Diary.
No SB i dont think I have. Will have a look for it. Cant believe I am actually talking about RTM. Its really happening and I am beginning to see light at the end of my tunnel :D
How exciting for you IWGT :D looking forward to following you on your journey!

lol - will save you the hunting IWGT. I had Salmon for my first meal, as it is my favourite fish, next to Swordfish which is hard to find here.

Anyway, it was gloriuos. My first bite, my taste buds giggle out loud. :D

I ate a very small portion, half of what we were allowed because I felt full.

It was heaven.

Until later that night when it, erm, returned.... ;) I was violently ill and back it came. I think Salmon perhpas, because it is such an oily fish - after 10 months of abstinance it was just to rich. So if you have that very early on, I would suggest a milder white fish to start....plaice, halibut or cod - something like that. :)

I adore fish, just wish it was not so expensive or I would eat a lot more of it. I try to have it 3 nights a week. Have to do it when hubby is not home or he winges about the smell. lol

Getting close Mrs!! Good to be planning. :)

I should not have read this post! I absolutely love sausage sandwiches with tomato sauce and actually could eat one right now!!

Thank goodness I have a bag full of porridge hey!?

C x