How many yogurts do you have...

I tend to have a whole big pot of fat-free Onken a day, the 450g one. Is this okay? xD I often chop a banana into it as well, or some orange slices, and have it for lunch or my 'dessert' (or when I'm up all night, as I tend to be often, I'll have it next to my computer and eat it during the AM hours)

I'm totally fine with giving up chocolate and snacks and such if I can have my big pot of Onken. It's so lovely!
I usually have 1 a day (occasionally two). I tend to buy mullers or fat free natural yoghurt. I like the flavours where the texture is more or less smooth such as vanilla, choc sprinkles. For some reason I cant eat the fruit ones with lumps in the texture makes me feel ill!
u dont have to stick to fat free natural yogurt fruit flavours r fine as long as they are fat free (MullerLight r excellent):)
I have been having around 2 pots of Muller lights a day. My favourite is the toffee flavoured one, although the cherry and the new coconut one aren't too bad. Can't stomach the strawberry one though. :yuk:

I am on the EE easy plan and I wasn't sure whether to always have the yoghurt with fruit. As you can tell, I am still trying to work out the new plan. :sign0144:
I do like a chopped banana or some satsumas with the yoghurt, so I shall do this each time I have a pot I think. Oh, I also love to have them just frozen. Yum.
On yogurt for brekkie days I can polish off most of a 500ml tub of l/f natural yogurt with branflakes and fruit, then I would have a muller later if I need something sweet. I find the days I have antural yogurt my weight loss tends to be better.
When I first started SW I used to have at least 1, sometimes 2, Mullers a day - my faves were the toffee and coconut ones.

But these days I tend to prefer Onken fat free yogurt instead, much nicer, thicker and creamier! They only do 3 flavours in the fat free range though - vanilla, strawberry and mango & apple. I have been known to snaffle a whole 450g pot in one sitting, but usually they do me 2 'meals'.
Yeah theyre synned if you whizz them, between about 1 and 5 per 100g depending what fruit it is (100g id hardly anything either). Here's just a few:

Raspberries, fresh, pureed/cooked without sugar, 100g 1
Strawberries, fresh, pureed/cooked without sugar, 100g
Blackberries, fresh, pureed, 100g
Blueberries, fresh, pureed/cooked without sugar, 100g 3
Redcurrants, fresh, pureed/cooked without sugar, 100g 1
Pineapple, fresh, pureed/cooked without sugar, 100g 2
Mango, fresh, pureed/cooked without sugar, 100g 3
Banana, fresh, pureed/cooked without sugar, 100g 5
Pears, fresh, pureed/cooked without sugar, 100g 2
Peaches, fresh, pureed/cooked without sugar, 100g
Nectarines, fresh, pureed/cooked without sugar, 100g 2

Becareful with youghurt intake 1-2 pots are fine but too much dairy food might increase starch in your body and turn into bacteria give you problems. Itchness and discahrge. I was told that by a friend who is nurse. Of course it may not be true for everyone.

I have been brought up with eating natural youghurt with meals as it is good for digestion- normally about 1 small pot a day (equivalent to 1 mullerlight). I have 1/2 pot natural youghurt and possibly 1/2 pot of muller on my frozen fruits.
I usually have about 1 a day, never any more than that - only because I'm not a huge fan of yogurt, no other reason.

I usually have mine for breakfast. I'll either make "Magic Porridge" with it :drool:, or have a yogurt over chopped fruit.
since realising muller lights are free (on ee) I have been having 1-2 a day :D and was over the moon to discover the banana and custard muller light is also free it is soooooo good lol, usually make sure I have some sort of fruit with them too :)
I have always wondered this...i can have two or three a day sometimes.

I like the activia vanilla (very creamy) or strawberry, or mullerlight vanilla, toffee or strawberry.

I tend to have green days, so I either have one with my HEB or after lunch or dinner!
Just recently I've become an Onken fat free yoghurt girl... I usually have 150g a day which is a 1/3 of a pot
I eat 4-5 mullers every day, is this ok on ee?
They are free. You can have as many as you like while you have a balanced diet and you never eat them when you feel full already. If you stay the same or stop loosing weight, you can look at cutting down to 2 a day.
All this talk of Mullers meant I went and tootled off to look into this cherry underlay business. Never seen 'em before but I heard from you ugly lot they were hiding in the Multipack! AND the chocolate pornage was hiding in the Multipack!

I don't dooooo Multipacks cos my fridge is NOT DAMM BIG ENOUGH :mad: But we're halfway through the week so its easing off a bit, so I wne to persuse... Ive only gone and bought TWO DAMN MULTIPACKS cos they were on offer. :sigh: (Thats on top of the coconut that was already resting in there :rolleyes: )

So my fridge is now bursting with the little boogas, AND I have EATEN three of the sods, so I am well and truly Mullered today!
I eat far too much yog :-s I have half an onken tub with Weetabix & fruit for breakfast, muller with lunch & more fruit & yog or total 0% & cous-cous for supper :)
I have fat free plain yogurt on my porridge to make it creamy. I also tend to have a Mullerlight at lunchtime and sometimes have another Mullerlight with fruit and meringue for pudding in the evening.
I eat 3 per day, one after breakfast, one after lunch and one after dinner. I love the toffee, vanilla and choc sprinkles, orange and choc sprinkles and the coconut ones. Really really looking forward to the mint ones... :drool:
I do go easy on the yogurt as I seem to want to plateau so I'm fighting for every half a pound.

My all time favourite is total 0% with tropical fruit split pot. Worth the syns and great for a sweet tooth. £1 each though.

I go through phases with yogurts either having loads or not many.