how much have you lost in 5 weeks?


Full Member
hi all im thinking of doing a vlcd and iam trying to decide which one to go for for the most weight loss in just under 5 visiting family and desperately want to lose some weight before going to have a few days off around xmas and a dukan week so i would just love to know how much you lost in 5 weeks. cheers
Hello tsweety. I lost exactly 2 stone in 5 weeks. If you have a browse at peoples posts, a lot of us have put our weekly weight losses in our signatures so that will give you a good idea.
I haven't quite reached 5 week but I've lost 1stone 7lbs in 4week and stuck to it 100% x
Hi hon I lost 28 pounds in 5 weeks (2 stone)
i'm not sure how much in 5 weeks but if you look at my signature it tells you. I had a BMI of 29 to start with. I think the more you have to lose, the more you will lose over 5 wees. so for example i dont expect to lose as much as my 1st 5 weeks as i do in the next 5 weeks as i have less to lose if that makes sense. have to say however LT does give AMAZING results relativley quicklyu compared to otehr diets IF, and only IF you stick to it 100% (no exercise required - ive done jack all! keep meaning to but its sooo cold!) and also keep drinking that water :)
just added it all up looking at my signature now and I lost 1stone 7.5lbs in 5 weeks which I think is impressive if I may say so myself!! I deffo got comments that I'd lost weight by that point.