How much have you lost?? Please answer!!!

For me I have mislaid a 2 month old horse + a guinea pig - how careless!!! ;)

But I would rather think of it as an elephants penis + an average human leg + a guinea pig :p

Great thread Ruth!
I've lost an ELEPHANT'S HEAD.............Great thread Ruth, laugh a lot ................
Ive also lost an average two year old. Weigh in 2moro, so will report back 2 morro. (cant wait to loose an elephants penis).

Love the thread ruth. x x x

So i have now lost a mid sized microwave with a ginuipig in it!!!! x x x x
30 pounds = amount of cheese an average American eats in a year

(must ask my future sis-in-law for clarification on this one as she is a typical californian babe! hehe!)
I've lost a microwave, and have another one to find about my person and dump:D

And whoever thinks the average 2 yr old weighs 25lb's has never met my children:D They were that before they were a year:eek:
I've lost the Cheese eaten by an American.. This thread was fun until you work out what you've got left to lose lol