How much have you lost?


Gold Member
Hi All

I'm a re-joiner from last year, recently had a baby girl and need to shift a good 6 stone ideally by March next year! How much weight did you lose in how long? I need some motivation, I now everyone different but I love nothing more than reading people's success stories it definitely spurs you on :)
I am on week 11 now and on my ten week weigh in had lost 3 stone 8lb :) good luck on your journey and congratulations on the baby x

3 stone 8lb lost in 10 weeks - love slim and save :)
I lost 5st in 6 months last year. Went from size 18 to a size 10-12. I have put a bit back on ( 2 week all inclusive holiday, a few family celebrations and this lovely bbq weather to blame, lol !! ), so im back on it from today just to lose about a stone. Good luck x

Wow that's amazing we'll find you similar to what I'm hoping to lose :) xx
I am on week 11 now and on my ten week weigh in had lost 3 stone 8lb :) good luck on your journey and congratulations on the baby x

3 stone 8lb lost in 10 weeks - love slim and save :)

That's an amazing loss! Ohh I so hope I'm saying the same in 10wks time 3 stone would be an amazing start for me having 6 stone to shift! Thank you fit the good luck wishes and congrats :) I love this plan too! It works so well :) xx
You will be, it's so easy and on the plus side, you know what your letting yourself in for so your one step ahead :) x

3 stone 8lb lost in 10 weeks - love slim and save :)
You will be, it's so easy and on the plus side, you know what your letting yourself in for so your one step ahead :) x

3 stone 8lb lost in 10 weeks - love slim and save :)

Yeah very true only issue is my health visitor has just kicked off telling me not to start any form of vlcd's until after my 6 wk check up but yet I feel fine! She said I could develop baby blues if I go on an intensive diet right now it's been over 3 wks since I had my c section I really want the wait off but not sure if I should just do JUDDD till I get my all clear! Then I can healthy eat on up days and s&s on my down days' arghhhhh what to do what to do!!!!!!!
I would do what the health visitor says hun, you don't want to risk baby blues, you want to enjoy your newborn, just do the healthy thing for a few weeks and then swap over when you ha fe all clear, at least that way any junk foo etc will be out your system anyway and you'll find it easier x

3 stone 8lb lost in 10 weeks - love slim and save :)
I would do what the health visitor says hun, you don't want to risk baby blues, you want to enjoy your newborn, just do the healthy thing for a few weeks and then swap over when you ha fe all clear, at least that way any junk foo etc will be out your system anyway and you'll find it easier x

3 stone 8lb lost in 10 weeks - love slim and save :)

Yeah I think that's going to be the best I certainly don't want any baby blues at all! I'm tired out enough as it is as she feeds every 2 hours! So I'll still do my backs twice a week then follow SW the other 5 days so really I'm doing 3 diets in 1 lol! But at least this way I'll get losses without risking my health :) x
I don't think S&S will sell you the packs when your baby is so young. I might be wrong but I'm sure they say you have to wait til 12 weeks. I'm also certain it's a total no no if you're breastfeeding. You won't be taking in anywhere near enough kcals

You're really not going to get any benefit doing packs 2 days a week anything you lose those days will go back on when you eat. I'd do as the others say. Enjoy your time with the baby and wait to do S&S when it's safe to do so
I'm currently healthy eating which is working as I don't dare do a vlcd as yet! I didn't know that about the 12 week ban! That's a good thing though because around 4-5 months i was thinking if going back on s&s! I'm following JUDDD but to be honest mainly just healthy eating and it's working so I'm not putting any pressure on myself plus I'm not bf due to bevy being prem my milk never came in properly :( so she is bottle fed! As for feeling everything seems to have gone gone back and feels ok apart from this bloody 'overhang' but that will go with weight loss in time lol!