Attack How much....


Soon to be slim ;)
.... Fluid is everybody drinking? I've started on attack today and I have been seeing different info both on here on the web and in the book, and so I thought I would ask you guy on here because so far the information I have a seen on here has been amazing and a credit to you all :) xx
U can never drink enough fluids, I drink up to 3 litres of plain water, 2 - 3 cups of tea and some times a diet coke EVERY day.

Lots of fluid will all we be my number 1 weight loss tip no matter what diet you're doing!
a 2 litre bottle of water each day plus coffees
I drink 2-3 litres of water every day + diet cokes (I don't drink tea or coffee so need the cokes to give me a break from all the water!). It's more than the official dukan site seems to say but I think it's been a real weight loss help.

Must be all the extra steps I get in every day going to the loo so often :s

Drinking water has become my habit and the thing I do subconsciously rather than snacking without thinking!
From what I've read the recommended amount is 1 1/2 liter, although 2 liters is also mentioned. I go with 1 1/2 and have a difficult time with it. I got A set of three water bottles which have an attached straw, close able top and graduations on the side.

Water Bottle - BPA Free Bottles - AUTOSPOUT™ Water Bottle - Contigo®

I keep one at my studio, one as a traveler going with me in the car and one at home. Filling them with ice and replenishing as they empty.

When I fill them and keep them by my side, I do great. Something I read once how, for some, drinking through a straw is easier/more enjoyable. I'm definitely one of those. And the ice factor makes it even better.

Need to go fill my bottles!
Ps i downloaded an app for my phone (im on Android) and it has worked out how much fluid i need for my height and weight so im going to give it a go. It's called water your body and it's free to download plus you can update it daily with the added bonus of it giving you a chart of your weight loss :)