How quickly did you prgress through weights?


Full Member
I'm on my second round of Kettleworx and love it. Started off with a 4kg bell, and invested in a 6 and 8kg. these days I'm doing most of the workout with my 6kg. I just swap to my 4kg for things like one handed squat and press, one armed swing.

just wondering how long did it take you to move up the weights? I see some of you (CatLoverSue, I'm thinking of you!) on 10kg weights and cannot even begin to imagine using that kind of weight.

How did you progress?
Before my shoulder diagnosis lol. By week 6/8 of kettlercise class (3x week - 60mins) I was doing whole routine with 6kg and then started using the 8kg just for swings and then few weeks later did about 1/2 routine with 8kg - recon that's what over stressed my shoulder so that I became aware of my um.. Old injury lol .. This time next year I hope to be back in full swing :)
Hi there Splodge - I progressed reasonably quickly from my 5kg to my 7.5kg - probably within 3 rounds, however I purchased an inbetweenie 15lb weight to plug the gap on the one armed swings and that kind of thing. This helped me immensely as the 5kg wasn't challenging enough but the 7.5kg was too much for the one handed bits. I got my 10kg for Christmas and use this for two handed swings and squats and anything else I can manage with it on. So I have 4 bells ranging from 5kg to 10kg and all are used - I still go back to my 5kg for some of the gun slingers and similar.

The best one I ever got was the 15lb one as that meant I could challenge myself a little more without hurting myself :) - plus its Orange and soooo cheerful!!!!