how to be slim.

green eyed monster

Gold Member
this is my first thread here, and i want to say a massive thankyou to everyone so far for helping me with my journey, you are invaluable.


anyhoo, i dont think i know how to be slim.

i havent been below 14 stone for nearly 15 years after gaining 4 stone in pregnancy and its still here.

i worry that i wont be able to be slim. does that make sense? ive been fat for so long, being anything other than fat seems alien to me. im losing weight at a steady pace, but im starting to feel these anxieties about slim-dom.

those at target, what is is it like?
I've been nothing but big all my life, last time i was the weight i am now i was 14, so people keep saying "wow you looke really slim" and i'm just like "do i?" cos i don't know HOW to look or feel slim if you get me. Not reached target yet so can't tell you how that feels :p
thanks for your reply Ally.

maybe we can stick together and let each other know how it feels.

I've been, on average, about a stone overweight all of my life. On two brief occasions I managed to lose weight and be 2 sizes smaller and healthy bmi but I still felt fat, even though I knew my bmi and clothes size said differently and I got loads of compliments and male attention. I was a bridesmaid for my friend and I went for my dress fitting and I was putting myself down and my friend said 'you have a very distorted view of yourself' she's a lot bigger than me and I suppose to her I'm slim even now. But to me I am and always will be fat.
I've been, on average, about a stone overweight all of my life. On two brief occasions I managed to lose weight and be 2 sizes smaller and healthy bmi but I still felt fat, even though I knew my bmi and clothes size said differently and I got loads of compliments and male attention. I was a bridesmaid for my friend and I went for my dress fitting and I was putting myself down and my friend said 'you have a very distorted view of yourself' she's a lot bigger than me and I suppose to her I'm slim even now. But to me I am and always will be fat.

bless your heart. xx

its strange isnt it. im hoping i will feel differently when im down to target, which will be 11 stone, but i think even then i will still be 2 stone heavier than pre pregnancy and im scared i will never feel happy and content with myself.

im dreading the sagging skin to be honest, i should stop watching embarassing fat bodies. its doing me no favours.
I haven't been slim since hitting my teens, and by the age of 19 I was a size 24. I lost a few stone and gained a few more a couple of times over the years, getting down to a size 20, then getting bigger. When I rejoined SW this time, I was over 21stone and a size 26. Now I have lost weight, and am very very close to target, I still don't see myself as slim. I know I am fitting into size 14 clothes (when my initial goal was to be a 16) and friends of mine who are size 14 look really slim to me, but I still think of myself as much bigger than them. I will occasionally catch my reflection, or see photographs and not recognise myself so I am hoping that my brain will catch up to my body soon. I do have my horrible saggy skin, have to wear control pants a lot to hide it, and hate that my boobs have all but disappeared and what is left of them isn't pretty. But, that is generally covered up by clothes so to others I may look slim, even though in my head I don't feel it.
I haven't been slim since hitting my teens, and by the age of 19 I was a size 24. I lost a few stone and gained a few more a couple of times over the years, getting down to a size 20, then getting bigger. When I rejoined SW this time, I was over 21stone and a size 26. Now I have lost weight, and am very very close to target, I still don't see myself as slim. I know I am fitting into size 14 clothes (when my initial goal was to be a 16) and friends of mine who are size 14 look really slim to me, but I still think of myself as much bigger than them. I will occasionally catch my reflection, or see photographs and not recognise myself so I am hoping that my brain will catch up to my body soon. I do have my horrible saggy skin, have to wear control pants a lot to hide it, and hate that my boobs have all but disappeared and what is left of them isn't pretty. But, that is generally covered up by clothes so to others I may look slim, even though in my head I don't feel it.

you have done so well. xx

thankyou so much for your reply, i think you managed to say how i am feeling , but better.

Funny as I sort of have the same feelings, I think I will be able to possibly get my mind around being thin but it will be an adjustment. The thing that I'm not sure about how to deal with is what to buy when I get to be slim? How do you dress thin?

It will be the buying nice fitting clothes that will throw me, as I guess I've spent years trying to flatter my body with nice clothes, but not clothes that are fitted etc. I think that will be the most difficult thing to do for me. How to dress how I always wanted but was afraid to etc
Funny as I sort of have the same feelings, I think I will be able to possibly get my mind around being thin but it will be an adjustment. The thing that I'm not sure about how to deal with is what to buy when I get to be slim? How do you dress thin?

It will be the buying nice fitting clothes that will throw me, as I guess I've spent years trying to flatter my body with nice clothes, but not clothes that are fitted etc. I think that will be the most difficult thing to do for me. How to dress how I always wanted but was afraid to etc

I know what you mean- I have started being a bit more adventurous in trying stuff on, and with a good pair of suck-it-all-in pants, fitted stuff is starting to filter into my wardrobe, but I still look for wrap over dresses, v necks, sleeved clothes, anything with an empire line that might be 'flattering'!