how to eat your points?


chunky chick :-)
do you think you can eat your points wrong, in terms of weightloss?

i mean 2 people on 20 points could eat totally different, do you think these 2 people would lose at the same rate?

like if one person eat 5 crunchies at 20pts and someone eat a nice balanced diet full of fruit and veg at 20pts?

im just wondering if the bread thing/choc snacks has affected my WL this week, i eat more bread and allowed myself a small choc bar(well within points) and STS this week.

does anyone cut out anything specific?
yeah i cut out chocolate and crisps. i worked out even if two people had the same points the one eating a low fat fruit and veg filled diet would actually eat about double the calories than someone who just ate 4 crunchies...but because they're fibre and vitamin filled they fuel your bodies functions and thus get burned where as four crunchies give you a kick for a couple of hours before your blood sugar levels crash and your store fat and feel rubbish too! XX
Absolutely right - although you are allocated 20 (etc) points a day, WW teaches you (or should do) to eat the right foods - foods that will fill you up for 20pts and not leave you hungry, and encourages you to pick options that are low in fat.

The good thing about it is you can have 18pts worth of filling healthy foods, and then you can have one treat a day - some people like a have a hot chocolate, others crisps, some people like the WW chocolate bars (like me) xxx
I'm on 30 points and do tend to snack on the unhealthier stuff in the day buuuut its a heck of a lot less then if i weren't doing weight watchers (i have philly dippers, ww bars, ww puddings) and when i didn't have the snacks i wouldnt get anywhere near my points. I think its more required to make healthier choices the lower points you get. But for me thats the great thing about ww, i'm on a diet but its easing me away for the bad stuff and into a healthier lifestyle.
im the same as you Nicki i still eat 'unhealthy' things, but it's nothing compared to how i use to be! and if i just stuck to eating fruit and salad all day it would make me go onto the chocolate even more!! the more you make yourself keep away from a certain food, the more your body wants it and it will tip you over the edge, best to let yourself have that item, but in a smaller quantity still sticking to points, still lose weight and your still giving your body what it wants just not in same rates as what you would before. Everyones different tbh for your STS hun it could be your body has got use to the way your eating now and if your body gets use to something it just gives up, i find it best to keep stocking your system with stuff you normally wouldn't do, even if it's that extra 10mins on your walk or eat more points one day and less the next etc just mix it up a bit but still have your whole points for the week :)